Hazel Levesque's Death

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Jason and Leo sprinted after Hazel as she led them through a maze of tunnels. The hoard of monsters was right on their tail, when they got too close Leo would send a fireball down the tunnel behind them. But they couldn't keep it for long, Leo's breathing was getting ragged, blood from a Hellhound claw wound was starting to run down Hazel's leg, and Jason's heart was beating far too quickly, he hated being underground.

They came to a wide cavern, veins of gold and silver ran up the edges and massive chunks of rock were sprinkled throughout the polished marble floor. "Through here!" Hazel called as she led them across to another tunnel with wire bars. Jason could see daylight at the end. As they sprinted through the mouth, Hazel slammed the bars down, sealing them with rock at the bottom. The closest monsters, hellhounds, slammed into them, snarling and clawing at the bars. "Keep running!" she cried, and turned towards the exit.

Then everything seemed to bend around Jason. The bars he thought blocked off the tunnel were gone, the monsters that chased them were gathered in the center of the cavern, and in the middle, on a raised chunk of boulder, was Hazel. Her gold sword flashed as she spun around to face them. "I told you to run!" she called, "now go!". There was something in her eyes. An acceptance, a familiarity. Because she'd done this before. She dropped her sword and raised her arms, her eyes glowed like molten gold, and the cavern began to shake. "Hazel no!" Leo yelled, "You doesn't have to-" but he was cut off as Hazel thrust her arms down and the ceiling collapsed. Boulders rained down, Leo and Jason were thrown to the ground.

Then everything was silent. The mouth of the tunnel was blocked by tons of rubble. Jason glanced at Leo and almost jumped, his face was coated with a fine layer of white dust. Together they stared in disbelief at the rock. "Did she- is she-" Leo stuttered as he placed his hands on the rubble as if to reach her. Jason clenched his jaw as he stood up and faced the end of the tunnel. His eyes burned. Another friend lost. "We have to keep going," he said softly. He felt something in the palm of his hand- Frank's stick of firewood. Hazel Levesque's parting gift.

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