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February 13, 1942

The two lovebirds were walking home after one of Clara's longer days at work. They planned to make a quick stop at Clara's mom's house, just to check in on her. After her dad was drafted into the army, her mom has been a little bit of an emotional wreck. Sometimes, if her mom was too emotional, then Clara would stay the night and send Bucky home, so Steve wasn't alone. World War 2 had started in 1939 but America did not join the war until January of 1942, a month after Pearl Harbor was bombed. Clara's dad was one of the first to go. She never in a million years expected Bucky and Steve to be drafted also. And for now, they hadn't been.

As the two entered the house of Mrs. Williams, a soft crying could be heard from the living room. Clara was familiar with this but something was different this time. As she stepped into the living room, she saw two tall men, both in uniforms. Clara's heart stopped but her grip on Bucky's hand tightened. "Excuse me." Clara coughed, not certain of the strength of her voice. She was afraid. "What's going on?" She saw her mother on the couch, tears streaming down her face but an emptiness in her eyes. "Are you Clara Williams?" One of the men asked her. She nodded slowly. "I'm afraid to have to tell you this... but your father, he was killed in action."

For Clara, the room started spinning as the man continued to talk. She was sure he gave his regards and she felt him grab ahold of her shoulder, before they both left, surely having to tell another family that something had gone wrong. Clara felt her breathing quicken and her chest and throat tighten. She wanted to scream, but nothing came out. She fell to the floor, not being able to feel anything anymore. She looked around the room, everything still unclear. But she saw Bucky, his worried expression close to her. She felt him hold her in his arms. She felt the way he kissed her forehead. And she wanted nothing more than for this to all be a dream. But as the night came to an end, she realized this was no dream. Her tears started to fall and didn't stop.

February 25, 1942

Let the record state that he didn't want to tell her. He also really didn't want to leave her.

"Clara, I have to tell you something." He had practiced over and over again in the mirror but there was nothing like trying to say it to her face. He honestly didn't think he could do it. "Oh, you used my full name. It must be important." She responded as she put down her toast, wanting to listen to what Bucky had to say. He grabbed her hand, caressing it softly, and refusing to look her in the eyes. "Bucky, what's wrong?" He took a deep breath, not being able to do it. "Can we go out tonight?" Clara looked at him weirdly. "Of course we can, but I feel like there's more to this?" She chuckled, squeezing his hand. He wished he didn't lie to her, but he couldn't do it. "No, everything is fine."

They went out hours later. Bucky wore a nice suit and Clara wore a pretty dress. She was still worried that there was something Bucky wasn't telling her but she ignored that feeling, wanting to have a good time. They went out to dinner and then went out dancing. Clara knew there was something bugging Bucky but she tried not to focus on it. But it seemed like every time she looked at Bucky, he seemed to be trying to memorize every part of her face. He wanted to remember what happiness looked like on her face before he told her.

"I had fun tonight." Clara told him as they walked back to their apartment. His arm was wrapped around her waist as they walked back slowly. Bucky was silent, dreading having to tell her. Bucky kissed her temple as he unlocked and opened the door to their apartment slowly. She shook off her coat and hug it up, in the process also taking off her heels. "You're beautiful. You know that right doll?" Bucky spoke up. Clara looked towards the table, where she had been that morning. She smiled at him and walked to the table, sitting on his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck. "What's on your mind James?" She asked him. He looked at her with an expression unreadable to her. His arms tightened around her waist. "What's wrong?" She asked, immediately thinking of all the worst possibilities that could be wrong. "You know I love you right?" Bucky started off. Clara smiled smally, nodding. "Of course." She answered. One of his hands left her waist and he ran it through his hair as he mumbled, "God, you're going to kill me." Her heart started to pound, praying he wasn't going to breakup with her. She kissed his cheek and then his lips. "I would never." She responded, though she was considering it with how long this was taking for him to spit out. "What's going on Buck? You're scaring me." She whispered.

"I was drafted."

It was with those three simple words, that she got up and left Bucky's arms. She could feel her breathing pick up again as she pictured the two men that told her of her father's death. "No." It was the only thing she could say. "You're not going." She told him, turning back around to face him. His face was full of sadness. "Clara..." "No!" She interrupted him again. "The war already took my dad, they can't take you too." She told him. Bucky stood up and wrapped her in his arms. "I know and I should've told you sooner but I couldn't. I love you so much doll." Bucky kissed her forehead, hating that it was him that made her cry. "We've together almost 5 years now, Bucky. You can't leave. You can't. I won't let them." She cried into his chest. "I'm not going to die doll. I won't do that to you." He tried to reassure her, but it was no use. "You can't promise me that." She yelled at him, pulling away.

"No, I can't. I'm sorry." She heard him say. She felt his arms wrap around her waist, but she refused to look at him. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. "But I promise you this. When the war is over, I'm going to come right back to you and I'm going to kiss your pretty little face." She smiled a little. "And doll, when I get back, I'm going to marry you." Her smile rose and she felt him kiss her cheek. "You want to marry me?" She asked. He turned her around so that she was looking him in his eyes. "More than anything." He wiped her wet cheeks and pushed some of her hair behind her ear, before kissing her lips softly. And for right then, that was all the reassurance she needed.

March 2, 1942

They had those last couple of days together, without a single worry in the world. The three would spend all their free time together, not wanting a minute left to regret when Bucky was gone. But the days flew by so quickly and soon it came to the day that Bucky had to leave. It was early in the morning when Bucky woke up. The bed was empty and he scrunched his eyebrows, looking for the girl he had fallen asleep next to. He looked around the room and found her at the window sill, her knees brought in to her chest. Her head was resting against the glass and she gazed out, watching the sun rise. "Clara?" Bucky walked towards her, kissing her head. "Did you get any sleep?" He asked her. She shook her head, then rested it against Bucky's chest. "I don't want you to go." She mumbled, arching her head back. Bucky smiled sadly at her. She knew he didn't want to leave either. He kissed her lips, tightening his embrace on her. She got up, wiping the tears from her own face. "Never mind that. We have to get you ready."

The three of them stood at the train station, with all the other wives and loved ones of those who had either enlisted or had been drafted. Clara kissed him long and hard, not wanting to let go but knowing she had to. He hugged Steve and said his last goodbye before boarding the train. Bucky was one of the ones who had been fighting the others for a window, so they could wave goodbye. The two searched for his face, until Steve nudged Clara. "There he is." Bucky's head popped out of one of the windows and he stuck his arm out, waving goodbye as the train started to roll on by. Both Steve and Clara waved back, wanting to make sure Bucky saw them. Tears blurred Clara's vision as the sight of the train got harder and harder to see. "He'll be ok Clara. He's a fighter." Steve said, trying to comfort the poor girl. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked back home.

Clara and Steve didn't say much for the rest of the day. Clara spent most of her time in her and Bucky's room. She sat by the window, watching the people down below, holding her Bucky bear close to her chest. At least the bear would never leave her... 

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