Chapter One : The Beginning

978 19 6

Third Person Pov:

Eva: Wait, really?

Adamai: Yeah... I'm again sorry for what I did, so I will rebuild your house.

Yugo: And I will help!

Adamai: What?

Yugo: I will help. I want to help.

Adamai: No you don't--

Yugo: I don't take no as answer!

Adamai: *sigh* Ok...

Flopin: Wow. Thank you so much.

Elely: Yeah! Thank you!

Pinpin: Yeah, yeah...

Amalia: And while that, you can have a house in Sadida Kingdom.

After the two Brotherhoods defeated Oropo, the twins with Brotherhood Of Tofu went to Emelka. Soon how they arrived to the inn, they all get welcomed, Adamai, of course, the most. Alibert, Chibi and Grugal couldn't be happier.

Adamai wanted to somehow say sorry, so he said he will rebuild Percedal house. The young twins and Alibert didn't want him to leave again for longer time, but they know he will come back.

And how you can see, the others forgived Adamai. Well... if we don't count Pinpin.

Ruel: That's so good from you guys.

After some time, maybe a hour, everyone went to their homes. Eva give, before she left, Yugo and Adamai potion, which will teleport them to their family house.

Alibert give Yugo and Adamai a lot of food and water, while Yugo got packed up. Adamai was saying he got all he need.

After Yugo got everything he needed, they said their goodbye and  drink the potion.
When they teleported, a cold air hit them like a punch to face. Thanks Gods Yugo was well clothed. But what about Adamai?

Yugo: Ad? Are you crazy or are you not cold?

Adamai just chuckled, before he turned to his Human Form. Even though he was well clothed, Yugo have to say that he is hot!
Adamai is smaller than in his Halfing Form, but he is still taller than Yugo. He have his long blue hair in something similar to a messy bun. He have his beautiful ocean eyes, and around the right eye he have like blue skin. His lips are blue, and his skin whiter than snow. He have a backpack on his back.

Yugo start to blush a little. He didn't even realize that he was staring at his twin brother.
Adamai looked at Yugo.

Adamai: See something interesting? *chuckle*

Yugo: I-I um.. No! I just... You look good.

Adamai blushed a lot. He looked away so Yugo won't see it.

Adamai: R-really?? Ha, ha! Thanks!

Yugo: But wouldn't you be cold?

Adamai: Nope! I can stand some cold or hot air!

Yugo: Alright. We need to find a place where we will sleep.

Adamai: Well... We don't need too.

Yugo: What do you mean by that??

Adamai: Well, you remember Ruel's bag? How we slept in it?

Yugo: Yeah?

Adamai: My backpack is the same..

Yugo: Wow! Really?! Cool!

Adamai: *blushing again* T-thanks!

Yugo: Can we go in it?? Please, please, please, please!

Adamai: Ummm, sure?

Adamai get the backpack on the floor, opened it and get into it. Yugo did the same thing.

It was really pretty inside. And it smelled good. Unlike Ruel's.

Yugo: Wow...

There was a lot of his things. But they were in boxes and something like that. He even had a closet here! And there were some doors. Like to another room!
Yugo notice something. In the shadow of the end of the backpack was furniture and more things. There was everything they needed to build the home. There was a lot of wood too.

Adamai: How else would you think we would build it.

Yugo: I-I don't know. But when did you get that here?

Adamai: You must be tired after the way here. If you won't you can sleep on the bed.

Yugo: (mind: Why he didn't answer my question?) Ok. Where will you sleep.

Adamai: On the floor.

Yugo: But--

Adamai: No buts.

Yugo: *sigh* Alright. But how can we be sure someone or some animal won't take the backpack?

Adamai: Boy, I'm a Dragon. You have no idea what spells are on this. Don't worry about it.

Yugo: Okey! I get it. Let's go to sleep then.

        *in the middle of the night*

Yugo woke up. He felt a little cold. He looked on the floor where Adamai was sleeping. Yugo eyes winded. Adamai was shaking so much! He must be so cold...
Yugo made a portal under Adamai and next to him. Adamai fell from portal next to Yugo on bed. Adamai smiled a little and stopped shaking so much.

Yugo: (mind: He is sooo cute~)

Yugo covered both of them with blanket and cuddled Adamai to himself. Adamai stopped shaking and Yugo fall asleep.


Hello! This is my new book. I warn you again. There will be smut/lemon/NSFW later in the parts!!!

Thank you for reading this. I just got some stupid idea for book, and, now I'm trying to make it real.

I hope you liked this.

Sorry for my bad English!!!!

My Sweet Little Dragon    [ Yugo x Adamai ] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz