Chapter Two: Wrong Spell

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*morning, around 7 am*

When Adamai wake up, he almost screamed, but thanks God he didn't. His face was all red from blushing. He was staring at his brother, which was hugging him around the waist. It was kind of funny, beacuse Yugo is smaller than Adamai.

Adamai: (mind: How the fuck did I get on the bed?! And why is Yugo--aaaaaahhh! Don't slide your hands down Yugo!!)

Yugo slides his hands down, and he was now touching Adamai's butt. Adamai was blushing even more.

Adamai: (mind: Well, this isn't that bad... It's quite comfortable.-- Wait what did I just said?!?!)

Adamai noticed that Yugo is waking up. He didn't know what to do, so he was just trying to pretend he is sleeping.

Yugo slowly wake up. He was kind of surprised in what position they are. He blushed, realizing where his hands were. He looked at Adamai face. He smiled, a little evily. Adamai was all red and his eyes were shaking, even when they are closed. Yugo knew he is awake. Yugo smirked a little, before he squeezed Adamai butt.

Adamai gasped, letting out something like small moan. But it was that quite, that Yugo wasn't sure if it was a moan.
Adamai was even redder, he opened his eyes and looked at Yugo. Yugo smiled brightly.

Yugo: Good morning!

Adamai: G-g-good m-morning..

Yugo: From now we are sharing a bed.

Adamai: W-what?...! *blushing more* Why?

Yugo: Beacuse I woke up in midnight and you were shaking like crazy!! So we are sharing a bed. And it's quite comfortable like this. Isn't it? *chuckle*

Adamai: O-ok. I understand.

Yugo smiled and get out of the bed. Adamai was staring at him, still red.

Yugo: I will go outside. I need to pee.

Adamai: Um, you don't need to..

Yugo: What?

Adamai: Well, this bag is better than Ruel's. It's extremely rare. Beacuse here are rooms.

Yugo: What?!

Adamai: So yeah... I have a bathroom here.

Yugo: Wow... That's so cool!

Adamai: Yeah. *giggle* You see that bookshelf? *Adamai points at one* Next to it is door to bathroom. You just can barely see it.

Yugo: Ok. Thanks!

Yugo went to bathroom and closed the door. Hie mouth opened, as he looked around. It was so big and beautiful!! He have here a big shower, but at the same time a really big bathtub!
Yugo come to toilet and did what he needed. After that he washed his hands and came out.

Adamai was already dressed, ready to go out. Yugo get dressed.

Adamai: Hey Yugo!

Yugo catch something in his hands. It's a water and two apples.

Yugo: Thanks!

They ate breakfast, and went outside. It was sunny, even when was so cold.

Adamai: Ok. We should take the materials from my bag, so we can begin. We need to do the foundations first.

After some hours, they did a lot. Yugo was using his portals, and Adamai wings, and some spells. Even when Adamai was cold when he needed to use wings, beacuse he needed to turn into his Halfing Form.

Adamai right now wanted to try one spell. He never used it before. He read it in "Dragon Spells" book. He have it from Grugal. Grugal give it to him on Oma. It was pretty long spell. And he was doing it first time, so he need to be really careful, so he won't say something wrong! Adamai closed his eyes and start to mumbling in Dragon language. So he couldn't notice what was happening above him.

Yugo noticed, how a big wood from undone foundation start falling on Adamai. He didn't have time to think. Yugo did the first thing that came into his mind. He portaled next to Adamai, and pushed both of them away. It was so close! It almost fall on them! Yugo was hugging Adamai, being on top of him.
But Adamai beacuse of this, said something wrong. He yelped a little. The words were in the air, before it come to that two.

Yugo: What is happening?!

Around them start to make fog. They couldn't saw each others beacuse of that. Bu they could feel something is happening to them.
When it stopped, they looked at each other and themselves.

Adamai: What the fuck?!


Hi guys!

I'm so so so so so so sorry for not updating!!! But here you have another chapter. Hope you like it.

And don't give attention to that ugly "art". I did it and it was first time doing something like that. It's Adamai...

Sorry for my bad English.

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