Chapter Seven: Raped

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Adamai: Ngh... *yawn*

Adamai just waked up. He sit on the bed, realizing Yugo is not next to him.

Yugo: Good morning sleepyhead. *chuckle*

Adamai: Good morning...

Adamai was still half asleep. He was pretty tired from yesterday.

Yugo: C'mon. You need to wake up. But God damn! How hard can you sleep? I even cleaned yours stomach while you were asleep.

Adamai: Yeah... Thanks... Hey, Yugo? Can you give me your shirt and my underwear?

Yugo: Um sure?

Yugo did as Adamai wanted. Adamai get the boxers and shirt on him. He actually looked very cute.

Adamai: I'm going to bathroom...

Adamai went to brush his hair there and brush his teeths. When he went out, Yugo slap his ass really hard.
Adamai was finally fully up.

Adamai: Ow! You fricking idiot!! What was that for?!?!

Yugo: To wake you up. Looks like you are pretty sensitive.

Adamai: Yeah?? Beacuse that's where you bite me yesterday!!!

Yugo: O-oh... Um, I'm sorry?

Adamai: You should be, cannibal!!

Adamai was trying to get to kitchen, but Yugo's hands stopped him, being around his stomach, not letting Adamai go.

Adamai: What?!??

Yugo get to Adamai's neck and start to kiss it. But after some seconds, he start to carefully bite it. He didn't do any mark, but he continued.

Adamai: Hey! What are you doing??

Yugo: If I'm cannibal, I'm going to eat you.


Yugo start to tickle Adamai with his hands. Adamai was laughing so hard. He even had tears in eyes. But soon, he start to beg Yugo to stop. Yugo after a while stopped. Adamai was trying to catch his breath.

Yugo: So, what do you want for breakfast?

Adamai: I don't know. You?

Yugo: I already ate. Hmm... Ok! You are going to have the cake.

Adamai: That's unhealthy.

Yugo: Who cares.

After some time later, Adamai was sitting on the bed, eating the cake, while Yugo watched him. Now, the hard part comes. Yugo wanted to talk with Adamai.

Yugo take deep breath in, and out. In and-

Yugo: Um, Ad? Did you do "it" before me?

Adamai almost choked on the question. He didn't really wanted to talk about his first. It actually was one of his secrets.

Adamai: N-no... You were my first.

Yugo: Stop lying Adamai. I know you are lying. I heard your mumbl when he had sex. I just want to know more about you.

Adamai: What about you?

Yugo: I asked first.

Adamai: I jUsT wAnT tO kNoW mOrE aBoUt YoU.

Yugo: Fine. Yes, you weren't my first. My first was Amalia. Now you.

Adamai: That spoiled brat? I never understand what you saw on her. Wait... You don't like her anymore, right?

Yugo: Your turn.

Adamai: Fine! I don't know who was my first...

Yugo: You're telling me you had sex and you don't know with who? Tch. So you just wanted fun??

Adamai: No... It wasn't like that... *tears in eyes*

Yugo: Oh, it wasn't like that?? Did you use me for fun too?? Did you?!

Adamai: No...please...

Yugo: So how it was?!

Adamai: I was raped!!!

Yugo: W-wha....

Adamai was looking down, trying not to cry. He HATE that moment of his life. He hate that memory. And now... Adamai thinks that Yugo is thinking that he used Yugo just for fun...
Adamai get the plate with cake on table.

Adamai: I-I'm going out...

Yugo: W-wait Ad! I'm sorry!

Adamai just went out and turned to his Halfing Form. He was really cold. He was even shaking. But right now, he didn't care. He break... He fall on his knees, crying loudly. He was thinking about the rape, about what just happened.
Suddenly, he felt like coat on his arms. He looked behind him with shocked eyes. Yugo was standing there, with tears in eyes but warm smile. Adamai quickly wiped his tears, but when he did, there start to be new. He couldn't stop crying.

Yugo: Hey.. It's ok to cry.. Let's go in.. I bet you are freezing. I will make hot chocolate. Ok?

Adamai nod. They went inside. Adamai turned back to his Human Form, shaking like crazy. He sat on the bed while Yugos went to kitchen, making hot chocolate. After a while, Yugo came back with two hot chocolates only to find Adamai laying on the bed, still crying.

Yugo: H-hey... How are you feeling?

Adamai didn't answer. Yugo get the hot chocolates on night table and sit next to Adamai, trying to comfort him.

Yugo: Wanna talk about it?

Adamai: Do you... Do you still love Amalia?

Yugo: No. I love someone better. Someone more beautiful from inside, but outside too. I love you, and only you.

Adamai: S-so you didn't use me like s-sex toy...?

Yugo: What?! No! I would never... I love you with all my heart. I love everything about you. How funny your hairs looks like when you wake up. How you can sometimes teas me or scare me. How intelligent you are. How cute you are. How--

Yugo was cut off by Adamai kissing him. They were kissing for while. But they stopped for air.

Adamai: I love you too.

Yugo wiped Adamai's tears. Adamai stopped crying. Adamai lay back on the bed, but how he rested his head on Yugo's lap.


Hi guys!! Another chapter is out!

Hope you liked this!

I know the photo is shitty but in the app is the best how I can make Adamai.

....sorry for my bad english....

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