Chapter 1 ~ New Beginnings

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"Uhm, excuse me, intern. I asked for a BLT with no lettuce and tomato, you just gave me a slice of bread with bacon." 'Are you kidding me' I thought.
"You asked for a BLT without lettuce and tomato which is just bacon and bread. BLT stands for bacon, lettuce, and tomato if you didn't know, sir." I responded, trying to keep up with my work while my displeased co-worker yaps my ears off.
"Are you being snippy with me?"
"No, I'm not sir-"
"Yeah, I hope not, intern, I'm your superior, so that means you listen and take orders. You're at the bottom of the food chain. You don't even get paid. So I would zip it if I were you and get me what I ordered for lunch!" He exclaimed to me. 'Ugh, douchebag'
"Right away, sir," I replied forcefully.
"Thank you, Alicia , you are so helpful." I started to walk out of the CBS studio. 'What kind of BLT does he want me to get him? I'll just get him a normal one and if he says it's still wrong I'll tell him to shove the sandwich up his as-'
"Hello, Alicia ! How are you today?" asked a chipper James Corden checking into the CBS building for the show tonight.
"Hello Mr. Corden, I'm doing fine, how are you?"
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me James, Mr. Corden is so professional. I'm doing good today. Where are you headed off to?"
"I'm sorry sir- James. I'm going to go get Derek Henderson a new lunch."
"Alrighty then, I'll see you around, Alicia ."
"See you, James!" He smiled at the mention of me calling him by his first name. I left the building with a smile on my face at the small conversation me and James had. He had always been a little sun lightening everyone's moods. Once I got the BLT I came back to the office to give Henderson his lunch only to be faced with everyone called to an unscheduled meeting. I put the sandwich on his desk then peaked my head into the conference room. James was in the front speaking to my co-workers.
"So, what do you guys think we should do tonight with Harry Styles?" My heart dropped. Harry Styles. I mean yeah it was bound to happen one day or another seeing my role model in person and my celebrity crush since he and James are best friends but I'm not ready for that yet. I still haven't showered, I'm not wearing my lucky socks, or gotten a nose ring yet. 'This is a disaster,' I felt like vomiting from my nerves and excitement.
"Oh! Alicia , you're back from your errand why don't you come and have a seat." James said to me. I was stunned. My first meeting here. I'm an intern. Usually, interns only sit in to take notes or bring food, never actually have a say. There was a seat in the back so I sat there.
"We've already done flinch with 1 Direction, we need to do something new, something exciting." 'Hmmn, something new and exciting?"
"What about something that involves saying a secret and eating." Maria Jaconds said.
"I like that idea, what are we eating and what secret are we spilling?" I raised my hand eagerly. James smiled brightly and said.
"Yes, Alicia ?"
"What if the food is gross? Like, have you guys seen the thousand-year-old egg that you can buy online. And the cow tongue delicacy."
"That is bloody brilliant!"
"And we can call it 'Spill your guts or fill your guts'" I responded starry-eyed with creativity.
"I love it!!!" James exclaimed. Time went by fast after that. Teams got the food, made the game banner, and questions. I was in the team that created questions.
"Hey, Alicia  could you do me a favor?" Asked James.
"Of course! What would you like me to do for you?"
"Could you go pick up Harry from the front of the building, he forgot his ID and they won't let him in?" I started cracking up laughing.
"Hahaha! Good one James!" I said wiping the tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard.   
"What's so funny, I'm serious Alicia ."
"OH, you're serious! I'm so sorry sir, It's just that Harry Is my idol and I think that if I even made eye contact with him I would melt into a puddle of goop." I exclaimed. He laughed at my outburst and embarrassment.
"I'm sorry to do this to you but you're the only one available to help me out right now, pretty please?" 'Oh god, I'm really about to meet Harry Styles right now, I'm about to breathe the same air as him and be in his presence.'
"O-Ok I'll go" As I walked away James muttered,
"Or am I?" But, not that I knew.
I took the elevator in a rushing manner since I have kept Harry waiting for how long now? The elevator doors opened and there he was. Harry Edward Styles. Standing right there. He was leaning against the wall. I took a deep breath and started walking towards him.

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