Chapter 4 ~ How did he know?!

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I made eye contact with Harry. At least I think that I did? It seemed like it but I couldn't fully see him since I am in a very tall building and he is very far away. Either way, my reaction was to scramble and run away. I quickly ducted behind the bench, praying to God that he didn't see me because then I would seem like a huge stalker. I winced at my sudden movement, my whole body ached from the beating I had gotten earlier, the adrenaline was wearing off faster than I wanted it too. 'I should get some rest.' I thought. I peeked past the bench to see if Harry was still there. I let out a sigh of relief at him gone, than sat up.
    "Are you spying on me?" A deep voice startled me in a joking manner. I gasped and jumped at the voice.
    "Harry! What the hell! Are you trying to kill me!!" I exclaimed and scolded him, my hand resting on my heart to prevent it from leaping out of my body.
    "My God, what happened to your neck, Alicia , and your face? Jesus who did this to you?" Harry asked, concern eminent in his voice, he was reaching out to me check my body for wounds. 'Shit, shit, shit, what do I do? SAY SOMETHING Alicia !' My mind screamed at me in fear.
    "I- I- I I was, uhm, I was," Think Alicia , look at his face,
    "I fell down the stairs on my way home, uhm and I'm here again because I-I wanted to finish some paperwork, couldn't sleep without it done." I quietly mustered and stuttered the sentence. I knew that he didn't buy anyone of my excuses. Shit.
    "Do you wanna come and stay at my place?" He asked me softly like I was a small fragile rabbit that he would scare away.
    "Why- why would I need to stay at- at your place, I-I have my own." I stuttered. Nice one Alicia . The look in his eyes were telling me that he wasn't taking any of my bullshit, and to just agree with him.
    "Ok," I responded, so quietly that it was below a whisper.
    "Ok." He took his jacket off and put it on me. I looked up at him, and beneath all of my pains and burdens the smallest but most important shed of light shined through when I looked into his eyes. This is the strangest feeling I've ever felt. Why do I feel so warm inside? My face felt hot and I quickly averted my gaze again. Harry wrapped his arm around me and we walked to the parking lot where his car was. He opened the car door for me, and I sat down. He walked around the car to sit in his seat. The whole ride was silent, just like the walk to the car. I was scared to break the silence. I mean what could I say? We made it to his house and he got out of the car and opened my door once again. We walked into his house and it smelled exactly like his coat which smells like him. Ok, that sounded creepy but it was a very nice, comforting smell.
    "I'm gonna go for a shower, you're welcome to as well. The guest room is just down that hallway. I'll give you a pair of clothes to change into and after we can meet back here and watch a movie if you want to?" He asked.
    "That sounds lovely," I replied. Harry was walking away, but before he could I raised my voice and said,
    "Harry! Thank you." With the deepest gratitude.
    "It's no problem, Alicia ." He responded, then walked away. I felt a smile grace my face. It was the first genuine smile in a long time. I walked into the guest bedroom. There was a small bathroom in the room. I walked into the bathroom to start the water for the shower. I looked into the mirror and was horrified at my reflection. I had a black eye and my neck was scattered with bruises. I started the shower water and took my clothes off. Underneath my clothes were bruises scattered everywhere. Some old and some new. I had a big ring around my wrist from Michael dragging me outside the house today. I jumped into the shower washing away all my thoughts with the cleansing warm water. I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I looked into the foggy mirror, once again mortified at the bruising. I hoped that If I cleaned my body hard enough the bruises would go away, how ignorant is that? I opened the bathroom door and saw a pile of clothes resting on the bed. I grabbed my undergarments and put them on then the clothes Harry left. They were his since they were ginormous on me. It was just a plain white T-shirt with grey sweatpants. I looked at myself in the mirror, I fixed my brown, curly hair up a bit in the bathroom then walked out of the room, entering the living room. Harry was sitting was standing up, setting something up on the TV. He was wearing the same thing as me. White T-shirt with grey sweatpants. 'Oh my god, he didn't!' A big smile ate at my face as I tried to hold back a giggle. I was unsuccessful.
    "What are you laughing at?" He chuckled at me.
    "Did you purposely match with me?" I asked skeptically, still laughing.
    "Maybe I did, what's the matter with that?" I responded.
    "Hmm, nothing at all," I stated, smiling once more.
    "Are you a fan of The Notebook?" He asked me.
    "Am I ever? I love The Notebook."
    "Yes!" He fist-bumped the air.
    "You are brilliant." He smiled at me while saying this. He put the disc in then went around the house to turn off all the lights. He came back to the couch with a bowl of popcorn and we sat down together. At first, I was a bit uncomfortable then I relaxed against the couch. Harry was holding the popcorn and was heavily invested in the movie. He was shoving popcorn in his mouth the whole movie, It was quite adorable. It was about halfway through the movie when he asked me if I wanted any popcorn. I told him that I was fine and wasn't hungry. The movie was coming to an end and I was crying. What?! I can't help myself, I'm emotional! I made one small sniffle sound and cursed myself for it being so loud.
    "Are you crying?" Harry asked me.
    "No! You are!" I exclaimed to him. He started laughing.
    "Oh my god! Alicia  Philip , you are!" He then grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. It was purposely gentle because he knew about all my bruises and didn't want to hurt me.
    "Aww! Alicia , it's ok, it was a happy ending, they'll be happy in heaven together!"
    "I know, it's still sad though." I murmured into his hard chest. We stayed in each other's arms for a little longer until I heard my phone ring in the bedroom. I unwillingly left Harry's safe, warm arms to get an electronic rectangle. Harry followed me to the bedroom for an unknown reason to check with me as to who was calling me. Fuck me, right when I am having a good time the bastard just had to ruin it. It was from Michael.

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