Chapter 2 ~ Where is my mind?

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We made eye contact and I ran in the other direction. 'Ok, you've got this Alicia , just walk up to him and introduce yourself.' I quickly did a double-take in the hallway mirror and headed back into Harry's direction.
"H-Hello Mr. Styles, I'm Alicia  Philip . I work at the late-night show and was sent to retrieve you." I said whilst shaking Harry's hand. His big warm, soft hand engulfed my tiny cold hand. His grasp was firm.

"It's nice to meet you, Alicia , just call me Harry." I felt intoxicated and vulnerable in his stare. I was so tiny compared to his height size, he was almost a foot taller than me, I'm 5 '1 currently. It's not like I'm growing anymore though...

"If you follow me I will bring you to your dressing room," I stated. I would like to say that I said that professionally and strong but it came out meek and staggered. I blushed in embarrassment. 'What are you doing to me, Harry?'

"Do you enjoy working for James?" Harry asked breaking the silence. I tripped over my own feet at the sudden sound of his voice.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" He asked me with concern lacing his voice. I started giggling lightly then laughing still on the floor as he helped me back up. I ignored the sparks of electricity I felt when he touched me.

"I'm fine, just a clutz that's all."

"I didn't mean to startle you!" He said while starting to laugh.

"Hey! Stop laughing at me!" I joked while laughing as well.

"Cmon, let's just get you to your dressing room before I end up falling down the stairs." Me and him were smiling brightly at each other. I felt a glowing warmth sensation in my chest looking at his precious smile, I was dazed. I shook my head lightly to snap myself out of the trance and started to walk again.
"Hey, Alicia ! I'm pretty sure the studio is this way!"

"Right! I knew that." I responded, changing course. Somehow we made it to the studio safe and sound, at least Harry was.

"Harrold! How are you?" Exclaimed James.

"I'm doing great my friend, thanks to Alicia  I made it just in time."

"Yes, she's a good one alright." I blushed at the sudden attention drawn to me.

"Ok! Enough about me, you can talk about how great I am after Harry gets dressed and ready for the show that is starting," I responded, emphasizing after. Then I looked down at my watch," in two hours."
"Now if you follow me, Harry, I will lead you to your dressing room so you can get ready!"
"Lead the way." He said
"Aye aye." James looked at me with a knowing, thoughtful look. I took Harry to his dressing room.
"If you need anything, here is my number, just give me a text or a call to let me know and it can be arranged." I was about to leave his dressing room until he spoke up.
"Wait! Alicia , I heard that there was this game me and James were going to play tonight, what is it?"
"I guess you'll just have to find out yourself," I stated.
"Ah, ok, I see what you're doing. You can't just give me a little hint?"
"Hmmm... Nope!" And with that, I left.
    I was currently mic-ing up a guest celebrity. Once I was finished my phone buzzed in my back pocket, It was Harry. It read,

Harry Styles: When am I going on again? I feel like I've been waiting forever...🤨

Alicia Philip : Soon, I'll come to get you now!

I started walking to his dressing room, checking the time on the way. It was currently 8:50 pm, almost showtime for him. 'I hope that I get a good look at the game.' I arrived at Harry's room and knocked. I heard a small 'come in' and entered the room.
"Hey! Are you ready, It's time to put your mic on."
"I'm ready." He spoke chipperly with an excited smile sprawled on his face. That damned smile will be the death of me. He was wearing a royal purple suit with a white button-up shirt underneath. Let's just say that I could see a whole lot of chest considering how unbuttoned the shirt was.
"Ok then, let's go," I spoke. We walked to the side wing of the stage. I grabbed one of the mic packs and handed it to him to put on.
"So you are going to clip the mic pack on to the back of your pants then put the mic wire underneath your shirt and attach the mic to your shirt collar."
"Like this?"
"Mhm, perfect." I checked my watch again, it was now 9.
    "Harry Styles is next everybody. We need Harry on standby." A backstage crew member stated
"That's you, are you nervous?" I quizzed him.
"The only thing I am worried about is the game that you won't tell me about!" I laughed at his silliness.
"It's not that bad, I promise! I'll be watching you so don't screw anything up." He was about to respond with fire until he was interrupted.
    "Ah! Mr. Styles, you're on now." Stated the stage director.
    "I guess I'll see you on the flip side then Alicia ."
    "I guess you will Mr. Styles." He rolled his eyes at me calling him Mr. Styles while he was walking away. I giggled and went to go watch the live TV of the tonight show.
"And now, welcoming to the stage, Harry Styles!" Exclaimed James. Harry was dancing on the stage then went up to hug James. The interview section went swimmingly. James asked Harry questions of how it felt leaving the band and starting fresh on his own. Harry happily obliged and answered his questions. Then it was time for the game.
"Now me and Harry are going to play a new game I like to call Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts!" They walked to the table with disgusting food and sat down.
"How to play this game is quite simple. I'll ask Harry a question and if he can't answer it, he'll have to eat one of these gross items of my choosing." Harry's face went into a scowl. James then introduced all of the food and moved on to the game.
    "You're going first Harry,"
"Oh great I'm going first, that'll be fun." He joked. James chuckled and spoke up again.
"I think I'm going to give you the Cod sperm." James picked up a question card on the table and read it aloud.
"On your new album, what songs were about your breakup with Taylor Swift?" Harry looked very uncomfortable with this question.
"What are we doing?" The audience laughed, I let out a small giggle at his question.
"I'm about to eat Cod sperm," He was silent for a few seconds then said,
"How did they get the sperm out of the Cod?" James laughed along with the crowd. He then grabbed his fork and ate the sperm. He chewed on it, without spitting it out.
"What are you doing? Does it taste good or something?"
"To spit or to swallow, James." I laughed out loud at Harry's joke as well as everyone else. Harry spit out the sperm and moved on.
"Ok, my turn, I think I'm going to give you the salmon smoothie." He grabbed the card read the question before reading it aloud and giggled at it.
"Oh no, what is it?" James exclaimed
"James you talk to so many people on your show, name one celebrity who has disappointed you." The crowd oohed and everyone was shocked by the question. An overwhelming feeling of pride engulfed me because I wrote that question.
"I-I can't answer that question. Oh my god." James took a sniff of the smoothie and gagged.
"That is terrible," James said, voice laced with disgust as Harry laughed. James took a sip then immediately spat it out in the bucket he had by his side just in case. The game continued until the last round. The last round was Harry's turn.
"Ok for the last round I'm going to give you this water scorpion, thing," James said, moving the table to place it in front of him.
"I can't believe Alicia  would lie to me like this." What. Why is he talking about me, this could make the media to go insane and try to hunt me down. What will happen to Harry, he'll be bombarded with questions about me. James spoke up breaking my thoughts and bringing my attention back to the TV.
"What do you mean Alicia  lied to you?"
"She told me that this wouldn't be bad! I can't believe you would lie to me, Alicia !!" He yelled at me so I could hear him from backstage. 'What an idiot.' I thought. Then everyone on the backstage crew looked at me. 'Oh god, Harry I'm gonna get you for this.'
"For those of you who don't know, Alicia  helped create this game and works for the Late Late show."
"Ok Harry, the last question, rank each of the members in one direction new solo single albums-" Before James could even finish his sentence Harry was already biting into the scorpion. It was quite admirable. They played a replay slow-mo of Harry eating the scorpion. James wrapped up the Harry Styles segment and went to the commercial break, Harry exited the stage. I made eye contact with him, did I ever notice how beautiful and blue they were? They were as blue as the Caribbean Sea, and the more I stared into them the further I sink. I shook back into reality and my nerves heightened. I started to speed walk away in fear. My work hours have been done for a while now. I only stayed for the show because I wanted to see the segment, I didn't have to stay. I was walking so fast it was almost a jog, I arrived at my desk and started packing up my bag.
"Hey, Alicia ." Harry's deep voice rung out, I flinched at his now known presence.
"Jesus, you scared me, Harry," I said, clutching my heart.
"I just wanted to apologize for saying your name on stage. When I saw you backstage after the segment you didn't look too happy. I wasn't thinking when I said that, I guess I've been in a weird mood today because ever since a walked in this building I haven't been thinking, I've just been acting. And now I'm rambling, wow good one Harry." I giggled at his embarrassment.
"It's fine that you said my name and talked about me on stage, I don't mind Harry! Do you want to know a secret?" He nodded his head and I walked over to my desktop computer and turned it on. The screen illuminated the dark office, I logged on to it and right there was my Harry Styles album cover wallpaper. He looked surprised when I showed him.
"That's why I've been weird around you today and why I was running away from you earlier." 'Well and the fact that you were drooling over him.' But you weren't going to tell him that.
"I've been a fan since 1 Direction." 'I can't believe you're telling him this.' I just felt comfortable being around him and telling him this.
"Alicia ! Thank you for supporting me! Who would have thought Ms. professional would be one of my fans."
"Mhm, I'm very embarrassed about this now so let's just change the subject now."
"No! I wanna know all about your 1 Direction experience and what your favorite song is!"
"Oh god," My phone then buzzed interrupting me. My heart dropped as I looked at the caller ID. It was Michael. My boyfriend.

    Michael: Where the fuck r u?
    Michael: I've been waiting for hours

    'Shit, how could I have forgotten about him, fuck he must be pissed right now.'
    "Uhm, I'm sorry Harry I have to go, I'll see you around?"
    "Yeah, I'll see you, Alicia ." I smiled at him then walked away.

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