Mango (RIP)

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Mango is an 8 month old pineapple green cheek conure. He is DNA'd male, hatched April 25th, and is a real jerk.
He keeps escaping his cage, picking on the others (mostly Quinn) and nearly killed Quinn at one point.
Mango has broke paper clips I used to secure the cage doors, along with zip ties, and even managed to open those backpack clips (don't know what they are called)
Not even Jordan was this bad.
I got Mango on December 20th 2019.
Manho passed away after a prolonged exposure to some mold that had gone undetected for a while. I had cleaned those areas about four weeks before finding the mold, so it wasn't there for any longer then that. I have appointments for the other birds, unfortunately Mango didn't make it, hoping the rest of them do.

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