Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

It's been a couple weeks, summer is officially over. Emily starts her first day of school today.

Grayson/Ethan: *blows bullhorn* HAPPY 1st DAY OF SCHOOL!
Emily: AHHHHHH!!! *covers ear and glares at them* couldn't you two have found a better way to wake me up
Grayson/Ethan: NOPE!
Emily: what's so happy about the first day of school
Grayson: *sarcastic* we get to be away from you for 8 hours!
Emily: *sarcastic back* wow my own brothers wanna get rid of me
Ethan: *sarcastic back*yes we do, it's been a hell of a summer, now get out
Emily: wow I really hate you two
Ethan/Grayson: we love you too!
Emily: *roll eyes* but you two are stuck with me forever now
Grayson: oh joy! *smiles*
Emily: you love me
Grayson: go on, get ready for school

Emily got dress and wash up and came out of her room to the kitchen.

Emily: why do I have to wear uniform?
Grayson: it's a prep school
Emily: oh wonderful
Grayson: sorry kid it's one of the only school available where we know you will be safe and not be attack by craze fan of ours
Emily: what craze fans? I only been in a couple of your videos
Grayson: yeah but people know who you're, and people know who we are and we are not taking that risk
Emily: fine...
Sophie: *comes in* looks whose ready for the first day of school
Emily: wow Sophie, where did you get the bling for your outfit
Sophie: I did it
Emily: won't you get in trouble?
Sophie: nah, you're allowed to decorate your uniform as long as it sticks to the guidelines
Emily: *looks down at herself* I should probably do something with that huh
Sophie: don't worry I got it cover

Sophie took out her spazzle sparkle kit and quickly made Emily outfit cute!

Emily: wow Sophie this is amazing! *spins around* what do you think boys?
Ethan: looks cute
Emily: cute?
Ethan: what? Was I not suppose to say cute?
Emily: cute is what you say to little girls, not a child Ethan
Ethan: I am not saying my baby sister looks hott
Grayson: Ethan their are other words to describe what she is wearing, beautiful, elegant
Ethan: fine, you look very elegant in that uniform Emily
Emily: thank you big brother *kiss check*
Grayson: hey, I helped
Emily: *smiles* of course Grayson *kiss cheek*
Grayson: alright, breakfast. Eat some fruits with that. I don't want you eating so much bacon
Emily: okaaaayyyyy
Grayson: little girl
Emily: *mumbles* healthy freak
Grayson: what was that?
Emily: *smiles at him innocently* nothing! See I'm grabbing grapes
Grayson: uh-huh, Soph, you want anything?
Sophie: duh!

The family had their breakfast, then the boys drop the girls at school.

Emily's POV
I was super nervous about my first day of school. But luckily I don't have to worry about making friends since I made friends over the summer.

???: Emily! Sophie!
Emily: *turns around* Hayley! *runs and hug her* I thought you were being homeschooled this year
Hayley: I was, but my sister and I decided we want to go to a real school
Emily: how is Annie's first day? I know it's been a while since she's been to school herself
Hayley: she's good, she has her friend Jayden helping her out. I heard you're gonna be here for a while
Emily: yep, I'm so excited
Hayley: sorry couldn't make it to your birthday party, Annie had stuff to do
Emily: it's totally fine, I got your record player gift anyways thanks
Hayley: I'm glad you like it, Sophie told me how much you wanted one so I got you the Bluetooth one
Emily: thanks, it's my favorite gift
Hayley: *smiles*
???: Hayley! Come on!
Hayley: sorry Coco wants me
Emily: of course

Hayley goes after Coco and Sophie said.

Sophie: am I a great best friend or right

I  just smiled and laid my head on Sophie shoulder and Sophie did the same back. We went to our  lockers which was right next to each other this year and started decorating it.

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