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"I am gonna teach you how to use how to use your new powers"
The girl said

"Yeah I would really like to learn" Maven said

"Okay we start tomorrow morning, then we go get the sacred stone to end it all" She

She said that with a greedy and wicked face.

Then suddenly, two zombies which were creepy looking appeared from the forest

"Watch out" Maven shouted

The girl turned back only to find the two zombies looking right at her.

Her legs shook with fear. Then almost immiediately, some unseen spirits came out of the girl's necklace and beat the hell out of the zombies.

Suprised, the girl said

"What was that"

"I don't know" Maven said

Then suddenly, she saw the necklace glow then she knew that her godmother had come to her aid.

"Thanks grandma" The girl said to an unseen spirit

" Is she getting mad" Maven thought

" You need to learn how to act fast" The girl said

"Am scared myself" Maven replied her

"Oh I see" The girl said

"This place is very dangerous" Maven said

"It's a dwelling place for spirits, zombies, wild animals, strange beings" She said

" That's weird" Maven said

"Okay now let's go" The girl said

"And I forgot, what's your name" Maven asked

"Helen Dotman" The girl replied

"What of yours" She asked

"Maven Tiler" Maven said

"Nice name" she said

" Thanks" Maven said

"So we have a lot to do tomorrow, go rest" The girl said

" I am gonna wake up before you" Maven said

"Then let's see" The girl said

"Goodnight" Maven said

"Goodnight" The girl said

Maven wondered if the girl even sleeps. She did not know when she slept off snoring loudly.

The girl looked at her and smiled
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