I Won't Let Anyone Else Harm You.

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Haizaki Thought/POV

"Come on its time for school Kuroko!" I yelled while I stood by his close door.

"Call me by my name Shōgo." I heard a yell from the other side of the door.

"I am calling you by your name Kuroko. Although I do wonder if you ever go back to being Akashi." I ask while walked over to the stairs.

I heard the door slam open but didn't bother to look over.

"You know it's my mother's maiden name. I took her name long ago after I was abandoned by my own father."

I walked down the steps feeling guilty. I had forgotten about the real reason behind his name.

"Sorry I forgot, now let's go to school."

I made my way towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. We were running a little late when I saw two lunch bento boxes on the counter.

"Really? You made us lunch?"

"Yes, I did! I wanted to be nice suuu~"

"Cut the crap out," I said while putting both of them into my bag. "I grabbing Kuroko since we're running late."

I wonder what this school is like.

Mostly that basketball team.

After all, I won't let anyone else hurt him.

Never again will l let him suffer like that again.

I'll make sure this team won't hurt him.

And if he dates again. They better watch out.

I would put them threw the twist.

They better treat him right or else.

Even if his old teammate there for him now.

Munis the person we won't allow near him.

Still hurt him.

I'll make sure you're safe.

No matter what!

Aomine Thought/POV

I walk down the stairs with my hands inside my pockets. I noticed that I was the only one home again.

Then again my parents are never home after what happened.

Can't that I blame them since they love him as their own son. When they found out what I had done. They stop looking and caring for me.

It feels like they disown me.

I stop in the middle of walking down. I look over to my right and saw a picture of my parents smiling. They were holding blue roses with a banner in the background saying happy anniversary.

With Kuroko in the middle of them holding a cake that he made for them. I took that picture of them all. He plans a surprise party for them. The whole family was there smiling and happy.

Now the whole family hates me.

How dare you hurt him!


You're a disgrace!


I hate you!


You're ruin everything!


He was going he our son!


You'll never be forgiven!


They work or go on trips. They only leave money for food for me. When they talk to me they talk about how they got to see Kuroko. And how happy they were to be able to see him still.

They pick him over me.

They still have a good relationship with Kuroko father. They have also been helping him be a better parent. They smile when they talk or hear from them.

They did apologize for what they did and said to me. They left for a month feeling guilty. I forgive them since I only got slaps.

That's nothing to the pain I cause Kuroko.

I just hope one day that'll he'll forgive me and so would my parents.

Then maybe I can forgive myself...

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