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Hey guys sorry for the no update I was on vacation but I'm back and here is a new update :)

Hiccups POV

Today was officially my first day here at Berk again. It felt off because I wasn't used to the "plenty people atmosphere"
The people were very nice, I don't really know why. If it was fake nice or nice nice. StilI didn't really hold any grudge against them after the first few years. They may have also not held a grudge towards me.

"So Gobber what are your plans for today? I asked

"Well since you have a dragon why not have a dragon training arena" He said.

"But my father doesn't really like them doesn't he?" I asked

"Nonsense I already told him " he said

"But how you convince him?" I asked

"Told him that if we have dragons well become stronger, at first he was really sceptical. He didn't fully believe until I showed him toothless" He said

"Wow, good thinking Gobber"I said

"So why not teach your friends here how to train a dragon" He said

"Sure why not" I answered

Everyone of my friends gathered inside dragon arena.

"So guys ugh welcome I guess to the training dragon oh wait dragon training arena" I said

"So first up is you need to choose a dragon" I said

"Just get on with the fighting" Snoutlout said

Astrid elbowed him

"Thank you Astrid" I said

"Anyway choose any dragon over there" I said

As Gobber released the dragons

"What do we do? They're very intimidating" Fishlegs asked

"Don't worry I'll help you" I replied

They chose different kind of dragons

"So to earn their trust you have to let them know you that they can trust you in anything " I said

"Can mine shoot fire" Tuffnut said

"Well if you combine the zipplebacks power I guess yeah" I told him

"Cool I like mass destruction" Tuff and ruff said in unison.

"Okay put your palm at their nose" I said

"Are you sure hiccup?" Snoutlout asked

"Of course I am" I responded

"What are you a chicken Snoutlout?" Astrid said

"No" He responded with pride

"Okay give it a try " Astrid said

Snoutlout put his palm on the dragons nose

"Oh wow I'm gonna name you hookfang" Snoutlout said

They each got a dragon

Astrid named her Deadly nadder Stormfly

The twins barf and belch a zippleback

Fishlegs a gronkle named meatlug

"Okay you guys now you have dragons time to fly" I said.
It was time for them to truly test their trust for each other.

Opinions so far?

~Revised~Hiccup X Astrid When Im GoneWhere stories live. Discover now