Mao Mao's excessive purring when he is around you

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It was a Saturday afternoon, a calm, chilling day, no villains, no trouble, just the nice relaxing peace and quiet. But once a certain heroic black furred feline began to enter the sitting area
y/n began to hear strange noises, almost like a soft purring noise from a ca-. "Mao! For goodness sake! Can't you see I'm trying to relax here?!" And as y/n sternly said that out towards the black furred cat, he only looked at her as if she was talking through tongues. "Excuse me..?" And as he said that quite questionably, that only made y/n feel more sternly. "How many times do I have to remind you...stop making that noise.." and when Mao heard that with his own ears, they both flattened, lowering beside his shoulders. "What?! What noise?" And by that made y/n roll her eyes in calmness. "Your loud and quite distracting's kinda freakin' me out bud..."

And just by the mention of 'Purring' made Mao widen in shock, obviously surprised by himself. "I-I-I can PURR?!" And while y/n was simply acknowledging Mao Mao's brain, she shrugged her shoulders and went with it. "Yeah..." and as y/n that quite flatly, Mao just had to take a teeny glance at her, almost gaining her attention as he still glanced. "What?" And while awaiting for a response, y/n's eyes began to slowly squint as Mao started to sit down next to her, whilst ever so slowly shifting closer next to her, also along with a very mischievous smile. "Mao Mao...what are you doing..." and as y/n so slightly spoke that out, Mao Mao's smile just grew wider as he began to lean up close towards her ear. "Mao Mao!" And as he was surely sure he was close enough, his smile began to soften, now having that docile relaxed look.

And so as y/n waited for Mao to do something, and what she was expecting was not what she was expecting at all, she instantly widens her eyes as she heard the most loudest and most softest purr noise in all lifetime. "WHAT THE HECK!" And as Mao still continued with the purring, obviously now just teasing the poor gal with pleasure. "Ah-Mao Mao get off of me!" And while Moa Moa didn't listen to a single word y/n said, he just stayed still, feeling comfy on where he was sitting. "Mmm~ your surprisingly comfy" and while confusion grew inside of y/n's furry chest, her heart was beating as faster then bolts itself. "Mao Mao...your heavy" and when hearing that made Mao smirk in accomplishment. And of course y/n noticed it right away, and that didn't bother Mao at all. "Please get off me..." and again as y/n waited for a response from the black furred cat with impatience, she began to annoyedly fold her arms together in a grumpy and yet comfortable way.

"I know you like this"

And from a response like that, made y/n feel very strange, she looked down at him and blush lightly. "Oh be quiet you...of course I like it...your very warm" and after hearing that made Mao chuckle deeply to himself. "Figured...anyway, mind letting me meditate on your lap while you relax?" Right from there, y/n saw Mao turn himself around to look directly at her and what she saw was the most precious thing she's ever seen in a very long time. "M-Mao!" And as Mao Mao frowned at y/n with the most pleading and cutest eyes ever, there was completely no way y/n would get out of this one. "Please...oh, pretty please" and as he began to beg, there was no stopping on what would come next. "M-M-Mao Mao...isn't there like any strict rule or somethin' about stuff like this?" And as y/n said all that nervously, Mao Mao just looked up at her with a little grin.

"So is that a yes then?"

While that question came so suddenly y/n did not know whether to feel calm or uncomfortable about the fact a man cat is sitting on another cat. "Umm, M-Mao.." and as Mao waited fairly for y/n to say something strangely nothing came out.

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