"Struggling Apperance" Part Two

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Finally as you arrived at the 'Home base' your heart began to quicken and your breathing hitched just a bit, but luckily no one else saw you so your all fine.

"Hey Mao have you seen y/n anywhere?" When hearing a familiar voice, you sprung up, feeling happy to hear that voice. "Badgerclops! Badgerclops over here!" You yelled while running up to the door, badgerclops stared your way and tilted his head a bit in confusion. "What the? A cat? Hey Mao look what just ran up to the door" When now standing on fours in front of badgerclops the only thing you two did was stare, staring at each other while waiting for another to come. "Badgerclops this better be good cos I'm really bus-woah, where did that come from?"

When waiting for a response, your ears perked up, feeling surprised non of them noticed it was you. So you began to yell towards them. "It's me! Can't you recognise me?!" You said while frowning just a bit, and to the two male characters, they just glanced at each other before staring down at you. "Heh I don't know why but this little fella reminds me of someone..." when staring down at you confusedly, your smile began to rise from all the suspense badgerclops was giving, but wait no. Your smile immediately dropped when hearing this. "Nah never mind" right there you wanted to facepalm yourself, and the looks the two males were giving you made you wanna facepalm the ground.

"For crying out loud! It's me! y/n! Your best friend, hello! Hey!-" While you were fidgeting to escape badgerclops grasp, you were suddenly held on by another, and your face heated just a bit. "What do you think we should do with it?" Mao Mao asked quite puzzlingly, badgerclops thought about and grinned. "Hey why don't we keep the little bugger? It seems to like you" when mentioning that, Mao Mao stared at your heated self then smiled, having a good idea on what's decided. "Fine, we'll keep you as a trusty companion" when finally bringing you inside, you sighed in relief but suddenly widen your eyes on what badgerclops had said.

"Ohh! can't wait to show y/n our new pet" when fearing for to come, you began to move around, trying do desperately to break free. And Mao Mao noticed that right away. "Huh? What's wrong?" And when hearing that you started to do something you regret on doing, you meowed towards the door, gently clawing your way through Mao Mao's skin. Mao Mao widen in surprise but then took a little glance at the door with confusion. "Oh you don't want to stay with us little guy?" Said badgerclops in a sad sounding way, you frowned at that but had to break free.

"Ahh! Hey!" Hissed Mao Mao when feeling your fangs biting into his skin, badgerclops checked his hand for any blood but unfortunately Mao Mao refused to show him his hand. "I'm fine-" badgerclops then interrupted. "Woah did you know cats could open doors?" And when not realising it, Mao Mao stared over at the door and scoffed while not caring whatsoever. "Ehh, it's a cat...wait what?" When looking towards you, you sweated while smiling at them awkwardly. "Okay guys I know you two are my best friends but I'm sorry for I'm about to do...AHHHH!!!" You screamed while now taking Mao Mao's sword that was casually on the couch, Mao Mao glared in shock but chased after you.

"Hey get back here! Give me back my sword! You thieving brat!"

And so as you ran all the way back to where you were at the beginning, Mao Mao still continued on chasing to you with anger, and you were scared for your whole nine lives. "Ahh! I'm so sorry Mao! Please forgive me!" You yelled while still running with the sword in your mouth, it was tiring for sure, but you needed to show him now. "You can't outrun me coward! I'm a master at chasing down my enemies!" You widen your eyes when hearing that, but quickly began to quicken your pace, finally arriving to your destination.

"Finally we're here-"

Once you stopped in your tracks at the destination you had stopped by, Mao Mao took the opportunity to jump you. You cried in pain, but screamed loudly, knowing well that he couldn't hear you. "Ahah! Your times up cat! Now give me that back!" He yelled while immediately grabbing his sword, you panted quickly to the fact that we're gonna be killed by your own friend. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe this is really happening! I'm gonna die and it's all my fault, I knew I should've gone back to the others, I just knew it...aw now I'm gonna die...oh man-" when rambling on about how you regretted everything, Mao Mao looked down at you and raised a brow in complete confusion and you quietly squealed at that. "Hey wait a minute...are these...y/n's clothes?"

Finally when hearing that, you thanked the lord for him to finally notice, so you slowly got up and crawled your way over to the clothes, Mao Mao eyed you while you were doing that, and got real aggressive when seeing you touch your old clothes. "Hey what do you think your doing!" Your flattened at that, but continued to grab ahold of the clothing, pointing out that you are that cat, it took Mao Mao a pretty long time to realise that, so you used all your strength and will to make him realise.

You held your paws up and did something only you would do, Mao Mao stared at you puzzled on what you were doing, but then took slight interest on the situation, you grinned a little but then pointed to the clothes, then to yourself, Mao Mao widen his eyes in complete shock whilst also flattening his ears, you smiled softly now, giving him a calm expression. "Oh my god...y/n...is that you?" You nodded your head while sitting down in front of him, Mao Mao's began to tear up as if he had committed something very terrible and he regrets doing it. "All this time you were this...cat...oh my god I'm such a clots! I-I hurt you...I-I'm-I'm sorry-" when being interrupted, you calmly meowed up to him and purée while rubbing yourself against his legs, he sniffed in sadness but got over it with little sigh. "Alright then...I think we should head, don't want the others missing out on what happened..."

Just from the sound of that made you feel happy about yourself, and with Mao Mao knowing that your a cat made things even more better. Mao Mao stared down at you and sighed guiltily. "Hey uhh..y/n?" You looked up at him, ears and eyes focused on him. "If it's really you...I just wanted to say...s-sorry...you know, I'm sorry for saying such things to you, I-i didn't know" you rolled your eyes just a bit, but felt nothing but happiness. "Hey don't worry big fella, eventually we'll both get over it" You said knowing also well that Mao Mao knee what you said, despite being a feline pet. And Mao Mao smiled to the fact you were listening, so he picked you in his arms, holding you as if you were a baby.

"Should we come back for your clothes if you transform back?" Mao Mao Asked, you thought about it but then smirked while looking up at him, he looked down at you and blushed. "I don't know...will it matter? I'm basically still naked either way" and so while Mao Mao was waiting for a response from you, you just shook your head, feeling nice about the situation between you two. "Alright then...we'll get them tomorrow"

You closed your eyes comfortably while being carried all the way home.

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