"Jelly like a Donut"

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The sky was a warm orange hue and the clouds were slightly parting away from the setting sun, you smiled whilst watching it all, it was finally nice to sit back and watch the beautiful sun set on a fine day such as today, you enjoyed it all, along with a few friends of yours, which you dearly adore.

"Hey what's should we do next?" Asked little Adorabat with puzzled eyes focusing forward onto the sun, as so were the others. "Hm. I dunno, I'm kinda tired and hungry at the same time" you rolled your eyes playfully while chuckling to a response just as that. "Heh, I made Lasagna just before you guys came back, it's in the oven" from a response just like that, made badgerclops get up from his current sitting position, to go back inside to eat and Adorabat wasn't too far behind.

You lightly laughed to that but then focused back onto the sun, letting your busy thoughts flood away within the horizon, and the only remaining buddy next to you, was your other good friend. Mao Mao, the heroic protector of pure heart Valley, he glanced over at you while slowly heating up as the sun was almost set, and you smiled softly to it. "Nice, isn't it?" You said while sighing just a bit, Mao Mao looked your way and stutter. "W-Wha-Oh Yeah! It's great" when hearing that you chuckled while now leaning against Mao Mao's shoulder, and that surprised him for a bit, but he settled with it. "Wanna go inside with the others?" Asked Mao Mao with a hint of relaxation, you chuckled to that but refused with gentleness. "No, I wanna stay out here for a bit, it's calming" when hearing that, Mao Mao blushed softly to the fact your hands gently held onto his.

And he enjoyed it. "But you can go back inside and join the others if you want, I won't be a bother" from that you looked over at him with a reassuring grin and Mao Mao frowned when hearing that. "A-Are you sure? It's getting a little chilly out here" when sighing from a response like that, you placed your hand on his shoulder to signal him to look at you, which he did. And you smiled calmly at that. "Mao, I'll be fine, you just go and have a good time with the others" when hearing that, Mao Mao frowned even more, and you noticed it with worry. "What's wrong?" You asked, Mao Mao looked away from you and coughed awkwardly.

"Um well-" right away Mao Mao was cut off by you yelling something out. "Badgerclops no! You can't eat those!" Right from there Mao Mao gapped his mouth open whilst trying to process on what was going on. "Uh What?-" and then again cut off by you, and that only made Mao Mao more confused. "Aww how come we're not allowed to eat these?" When heating in the moment, you tried your headrest to maintain your irritation. "Badgerclops, I made those jelly donuts for the king tomorrow, and I don't want you or Adorabat eating them all!"

When feeling sad, badgerclops growled in little hesitation, and Mao Mao defended you with little kindness. "Cmon badgerclops you can resist it" when gulping down for hope, you glared over at badgerclops who was nearly parts away from devouring the donuts that were inside a little box filled with them. And you took notice of it. "Badgerclops don't you do it!" When not listening you lashed out, chasing badgerclops all over the place. "That's it!! Badgerclops it took me hours to make those! Hey!" When still chasing badgerclops you saw little Adorabat munching down on one too.

And she didn't notice it till later. "Oh...wasn't I suppose to eat one?" When sweating you finally caught up to badgerclops and jumped on him, he grunted while trying to shake you off of him. "BC! Get me that box right now!" When refusing badgerclops shook the box out of your reach and you had no choice but to slap his hand to finally drop it, but when it was out of badgerclops grasp, it swung up in the air, and while gasping in shock, the box of donuts that was contained inside were no all over a black furred feline such as Mao Mao.

He coughed while trying to get the powder dust off of him along with the jelly dripping from him, you gasped in shock while running right over to him, helping him to get cleaned off. "Oh I'm so sorry Mao! Here let me-" when panicking you licked Mao Mao's cheek which was covered In delicious raspberry jelly, and Mao Mao stared in surprise. And you noticed that. "O-Oh! S-Sorry...it's just-" when talking, you were completely cut off by Mao Mao speaking. "N-No...please...continue...please" in complete surprise you grinned while giving Mao Mao a big lick on the cheek, and he chuckled a little from that.

"Aw man, does this mean we're in trouble?" When hearing that familiar voice, you furrowed your brows while giving badgerclops the look, and he sweated a little from that. And you couldn't decide on what to do with them just yet, so you let them down wit a warming. "Next time when I catch one you of you, eating something your not suppose to be eating, there won't be any mercy left..." when saying the last sentence a bit darkly, the others stared at you, eyes widen with slight fear. "O-Okay..." said both badgerclops and Adorabat, and when hearing that was like music to your ears. "Good! Now who's up for a little game of checkers?" When changing your face from dark and sinister to joyful and happy, made the others fear even more.

"Uhh no thanks..."


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