"Mischievous Encounter"

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"Hey mittens, wanna introduce your cute friend or what?"

Once the moment finally shot at Mao Mao, he panicked whilst quickly grabbing ahold of your hand, keeping you away from the malicious Tanya keys. "Keep your bounty hunter paws away from y/n!"

When Mao Mao madly yelled towards the female, y/n only stared at him then back at her with a very confused face. "Umm...what's going on?"

When hearing your sweet voice snapped Mao Mao back to reality, he glanced at you while never letting your hand out of his.
"y/n...meet...Tanya keys...she's nothing but trouble!"

And so when Mao Mao explained that to you, you giggled while now leaving your other paw out to have a proper greetings to the woman. "Heheh, I have no idea what's gotten into him, hi! I'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you" once you held your hand out Mao Mao was more then shocked to even witness it. And Tanya was more then pleased to see that. "Well it's nice to finally meet someone so kind such as yourself doll" when she said that a bit flirty you giggled while blushing just a bit.

"Aww she sounds nice" once you said that Mao Mao glared daggers towards the pink animal with anger and you didn't notice until he began to growl. "y/n you can't trust her!" Your ears began to twitch when hearing Mao Mao whisper in your ear, and the tone of his voice put a little frown in place. "Are you sure? Maybe she could stay for a little while..." and as you said that a little pleadingly Tanya couldn't help but tighten the grip on your hand a bit more, but of course it wasn't that tight to hurt you, and you smiled at that.

"Yeah mittens, I could stay for just a bit, and besides I have nothing to bounty on at the moment" once all of this at once, Mao Mao panicked in his head, he didn't want Tanya to ruin everything he has with you, and most definitely doesn't want Tanya doing anything absurd with you or anything. So he crossed his arms together while now speaking in a low tone. "Fine she c-c-c-can...Ugh! She can stay for a little bit-BUT! If I see anything suspicious she's leaving!"

And when hearing those reasonable words, you smiled while hugging Mao Mao dearly. "Oh thank you Mao Mao! Your the best!" While you were still hugging Mao Mao he wrapped his arms around your waist gently and protectively, very clearly giving Tanya the most scariest glare ever. And she wasn't phased by that at all. "Alright cutie where to now? Wanna go make flower crowns or something?" When breaking away from the hug, you beamed while nodding your head in agreement.

"Ohh! Flower crowns?! Where?" Once you and Tanya finally left to go pick flowers in the meadow, Adorabat had flew down to see what the commotion was all about. "Where are they?!" And when realising that there was nothing Adorabat was interested in, she simply sighed disappointedly. "I can't believe she trusts her...can you believe it?!" And when awaiting for something to come out, Mao Mao was too angry to even wait.

"Hey what's wrong Mao Mao?" And when hearing the cute little bat worry for her good friend, he only sighed while rubbing his temple with his right hand. "Adorabat, y/n has gone down to the meadow with Tanya keys" just by the mention of that name made Adorabat squeal like a fan girl. And Mao Mao wasn't gonna lie, he was a little bit startled by the way she squealed. "Oh my gosh! She's back? I can't believe it!" As Mao Mao waited for Adorabat to finally calm down, he raised a brow while continuing about his complaints.

"Yeah, and I tried to talk her out of it but no...she doesn't want to listen to me...like what?!" While Adorabat was still in her squealing self, she quickly shot back to reality with a confused look. "Wait what?"

"Yeah, now she's gone and I'm not there to supervise her...wait! Wait a minute...ahah! Adorabat you just gave me an excellent idea!" And when hearing that, gave Adorabat a confused and yet happy look. "Really?" And Mao Mao nodded while having a soft grin plastered on his lips. "Yes Adorabat, and as sheriff I will be the one to help those in need, such as y/n l/n!" And when dramatically posing as a hero, Adorabat couldn't help but squeal again, and Mao Mao understood why. "Oh! I wanna help! Oh can I help please! Oh please Mao Mao?"

And when making cute puppy eyes at Mao Mao, he sighed while calmly smiling. "Uhh, sure why not? You can be my eyes and lookout" and after hearing that, Adorabat beamed While having that cute smile. "Yay! Don't worry sheriff Mao Mao, I'll be on the lookout for y/n and Tanya keys!" Adorabat saluted while giving Mao Mao a serious face, he nodded to that and headed off to go find you and Tanya.

"Don't worry y/n I'm coming"

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