Chapter 2

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Gods and Goddesses' Realm

I can't explain the pain I am feeling for Drew. On the other hand, HE keeps on disobeying me! That Old Pervert! I like Drew because he is down to Earth, Honest, Loveable man. He saved me even if it means Death to him. I want to help him pursue the love of his life. But the Bas*ard keeps on interfering! That Pervert keeps on changing their happy ending!. Drew deserves a second chance. They are soul mates! Why can't he let them be?

Upon seeing the unforeseen. I lamented for him. I promised to give him happiness but HE ruined it! HE must be happy to see the bitterness in his eyes. Drew deserves happiness but why can't HE grant it to him? I'll find out soon.

Kixha and Drew

"Hey! Thanks and sorry. Would you mind drinking with me? I'll buy us beer." (What the hell am I talking about? Drinking with a man I don't know? Kixha are you out of your mind? Are you drunk?) Kisha said to herself.

"You already had enough. Come I'll send you home." The man said huskily. She pouted which the young man finds cute.

"No worries. I can.... You know I can go home alone. I am just..... tipsy? " Kisha said batting her eyes. More like a question to herself. She is out of control because of the alcohol.

She tried to act normal, but, She's getting out of balance.

"....." Drew stares at her beautiful face. Mesmerized by her beauty and vulnerable state. He can't believe it. He was having a hard time for the past week recuperating. He had an accident and was in a coma for 2 weeks. When he wakes up he was reborn again. Since he was recuperating it was hard for him to go out of the hospital and find Kixha. He was determined to help her not kill herself. He was shocked to see Kixha all of a sudden.

"I'm..... Okay. I swear." She said stuttering and she even raises her hand and stares right into his eyes. She thought how handsome the man is in front of her. She felt that she knew the man. It was a weird feeling for her since she only has seen the man today, but it felt like he knew the man for so long.

"Do I know you?" She said speaking her mind. It startled Drew

"....." Drew thought yes but he shut his mouth. He doesn't want Kixha to think that he is a stalker.

"Yes you knew me, but, I was a bastard then. Instead of being honest to myself I denied my feelings for you and missed the opportunity to confess to you. " He said to himself and smiled weakly.

"You don't want to go home yet?" Drew said instead not letting go of her waist yet, She didn't notice since she was kinda wasted.

"Hmmm," she said nodding her head and smiled at Drew widely. She didn't know what has gotten to her, but it's as if she needed to talk to this man. She felt like she knew the man.

"My world is spinning, am I okay still? This is not me. " She said again to herself again. She closed her eyes and counted 1 to 3.

"Let's buy hot ramen then? If you don't mind." -Finally Drew let go of her small waist and massaged his nape, then Kixha opened her eyes. At least if she falls someone will catch her.

"I don't" Then she giggled without her knowing that it made the young man's heart flutter. Both of them walk inside the store. Drew ordered them instant ramen. He both ordered spicy ramen.

Kixha hates spicy food but her taste bud is dead at the moment so she got her share and enjoyed her hot spicy ramen. The ramen is spicy yet flavorful, makes her want to order another one. She's starting to be sober because she was sweating too much.

"I'm Drew Steves. I apologize for the late introduction." He introduced himself, he extended his hands to Kixha.

"Not at all, I'm Kixha, Kixha Jones." They both shake hands and start to eat and slurp the noodles.

The man kept on staring at her lovingly. Drew still can't believe that he went back to the past and had a chance to change everything. He swears to make her fall for him and correct his wrongdoings to get her attention. It is his chance to have a happy ending with the woman he loved dearly. He will only give her beautiful memories to avoid her from taking her life. From what he remembered the reason Kixha took her life is because of her father who molested her. Remembering the past makes his heartache for the woman he ever loved.

"Nice to meet you Kixha." He smiled flashing his beautiful white teeth. Kixha, on the other hand, was dumbfounded because of the handsome man in front of her. She thought about how handsome the man is. Too bad she is a man-hater. What is happening to her. Up close the Drew is indeed a nice catch. She cleared her throat.

"Likewise." She smiled. Both of them enjoyed the ramen and exchange small conversations like favorite food, color, work, etc.

After eating Drew insisted on walking her home. Drew was always rubbing the back of his head, he really is shy in front of her. This is unlikely because he was a womanizer, suave, never in his life that he would be a dork. On the other hand, Kixha long noticed that if Drew is uncomfortable he would always touch his nape, she finds it cute. Not all man is like that. Men usually get the woman they like by hook or by crook.

Funny, she hated men but she felt like he already knows Drew and she trusts him.

So unlikely like her. She's never comfortable with the opposite sex.

Once they reach the building where she is renting she thanked Drew.

"Ahmm. Yeah, no worries. Can I get your number?" Drew said looking down.

"....." Kixha doesn't know what to say.

She was hesitant at first but looking in his eyes she saw pleading eyes. She agreed.

"Give me your phone, I'll dial my number then." She said smiling. Probably this is the first guy he'll befriend. Drew gave his phone immediately, he doesn't want Kixha to change her mind. After Kixha dialed her phone and hear the ring she ended the call and gave the phone to Drew.

"There, up to you if you want to save my number. Thanks, Drew, I'll be going now. Be safe. " Then she walked away.

Drew can't help but smile while looking at his phone. I finally have her number.

Once Drew arrives home he texted Kixha that he is home and that he hopes that she is also safe.

It's a good thing he went for a walk before going to his place. He was in deep thought when he saw her. Without even thinking he rushed to where she is.

After he called Kixha he prayed for guidance to make it right this time.

He never expected the unfortunate event!

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