Chapter 1 : The Very Beginning

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Victoria Ross was a 19 year old girl. She lived with her parents in a small house in Miami. She had long brown hair and beautiful golden brown eyes.

One day, Victoria and her parents, Clair and Paul Ross, decided to go to Paris for a holiday for a week.

4 days later, they arrived at the airport. The plane soon took off. The flight was long and boring.

"Attention all passengers. We are about to land in Paris, France. Please fasten your seat belts as we will touch down in the next few minutes. Thank you," the pilot of the plane announced over the intercom.

The wheels touched down onto the runway and the plane slowed down.
Once it was safe to depart from the plane, all the passengers started to gather all their stuff and get off the plane."You ready, Marshmallow?" asked Clair. Marshmallow has been Victoria's nickname since she was a baby. Victoria scoffed. "Oh mother, I was born ready!" Victoria replied, flipping her long brown hair.
Clair chuckled. "Stop chit chatting. Come on, let's get to the hotel!" Paul interrupted.

After a long boring hour in the car, they finally arrived at the hotel. "Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" Victoria half shouted, with a smile looking like a 5 year old. "Quiet down Marshmallow," Paul said in a normal voice.

Once they arrived at their hotel room, Victoria flopped on the bed. "Finally! I can just relax!" Victoria said pulling a fluffy pillow into her arms and hugging it tightly. "Don't get too comfy, we still have to unpack," Paul said to Victoria, who was pouting at him. "Oh come on Paul! Let the girl relax for a while. You know she couldn't sleep the whole flight," Clair said, softly pushing Paul's shoulder. "Okay fine. But I'm going to the café downstairs to get a pineapple sandwich," Paul explained, marching out the front door. "Dad, do you really think they will sell pineapple sandwiches?" Victoria asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well I'LL FIND A WAY!" Paul said victoriously.

Both Victoria and Clair chuckled at Paul's silliness.

Paul came stomping back like a 3 year old 5 minutes later with a pout on his face. "No pineapple sandwiches?" Clair asked with an eyebrow raised. "Oh be quiet woman," Paul snapped back still stomping his feet like a 3 year old. The girls chuckled once again.

After 30 minutes, they finished all the unpacking and they were all exhausted.

Since it was almost 11pm, and the sun eventually went down completely, they decided to go to sleep.

The Ghost That Haunts Notre Dameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें