Chapter 4 : The Fire

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Victoria huffed in frustration as her parents took literally forever to get to the entrance of the cathedral. "Can you people hurry up? I get that you're old and all but still. Can you hurry up?" Victoria said with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot playfully impatient. Clair chuckled. "Marshmallow, chill. We're coming," Paul said while chuckling. "Well can you hurry up? Sometime today please," Victoria whined. After 30 of the longest seconds of Victoria's life, Paul and Clair finally arrived at the front entrance where Victoria was. "Eventually! Now come on! Let's go and get good seats," Victoria said once again grabbing her parents hand and dragged them to the cathedral.

Before they walked into the cathedral, they all stopped and admired the beauty of the Notre Dame Cathedral. The bell towers, the west rose window and the very top of the spire. "It's... beautiful," Victoria said while staring at the cathedral in awe. "It is, isn't it?" Clair replied, also staring at the cathedral in awe. "It really is," Paul said also staring at the cathedral in awe. "Okay! Enough staring. We still have to get in and get seats! So, LET'S GO!" Victoria half shouted.

They finished admiring the 857 year old cathedral and walked in. Victoria, Clair and Paul started to look at all the architecture of Notre Dame. "Mom! Dad! Look at the rose window. It's so much bigger in real life compared to the pictures on the internet!" Victoria said while pointing at the south rose window. "Wow! It really is," Clair responded. "Excuse me, the whole reason we got dragged in here so fast is because we wanted to get good seats right? Well come on, let's go get good seats then!" Paul said.

They then walked off into the mass hall and found pretty decent seats around the middle of the hall. They sat down and about 3 minutes later, the service started. The priest started preaching and the whole audience was paying attention. 15 minutes into the service, Victoria felt she had to go to the bathroom. "Hey mom?" Victoria whispered into her mother's ear, not wanting to disturb the rest of the audience. "Yes Marshmallow?" Clair whispered back. "I need to go to the bathroom," Victoria said. Clair didn't say anything, she just pointed to where the bathroom is. "Oh okay. Thanks mom," Victoria said and kissed Clair's cheek before getting up and walking in the direction of the bathroom. Clair smiled slightly as she watched her daughter walk off, then continued to listen to the priest.

Victoria pushed the door open just enough for her to slip in. She looked around the bathroom for a second. The wall were an off white color, and the doors were a teal color. She went into one of the stalls and closed the door. 'I can't believe that I'm actually at Notre Dame! This is so exciting!' Victoria thought to herself.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens reached her ears. She started to panic. She quickly stood up since she was finished, and went to the door. She tried to unlock it, but the door was jammed. She tried each and every way, but the door wouldn't budge. "Oh come on! Open you stupid door!" Victoria half shouted as she kept trying to unlock the door. The sounds of the sirens got louder and louder the more she panicked. The door finally unlocked and Victoria was flung across the room onto the off white wall because she was pushing the door with such force.

She ran to the bathroom door and pushed it open. She was greeted by a cloud of thick black smoke. "Oh no! Which way was the exit again?" Victoria said still panicking.

She began running around the massive smoke filled room, but she couldn't find the exit. She ran around in the middle of the room and all around the walls, but she still couldn't find the exit. Eventually, after a few minutes of trying to find the exit, she found herself in the middle of the room. She was out of breath because she was panicking while running around trying to find the exit. She was taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down, but since the room was filled with smoke, it did really help that much.

All of a sudden, a huge gush of wind filled the mass hall, clearing out a bit of the smoke making a visible pathway to the exit. But what caused the gush of wind? Her face lit up as she thought she was saved. But she was horribly mistaken. Suddenly she heard the loudest noise she had ever heard in her entire life coming from just above her. She got such a fright, that she felt that her legs couldn't move at all. She slowly looked up and saw something that terrified her. Something that no one would have ever seen coming.

She saw the spire falling.

She was frozen with fear. All she could do was stare at the falling spire. Suddenly she heard her parents shouting, screaming, and struggling to get past the firefighter who was guarding the front entrance. "NOOO! VICTORIA!" Paul and Clair screamed still struggling to get past the firefighter to try and save their daughter. Victoria's heart broke seeing her parents in that state. Tears slowly filled her eyes.

Victoria looked into the petrified eyes of her parents for the very last time... And then...

The spire crushed her.

"NOOOOO! VICTORIA!!!" Clair and Paul screamed with tears streaming down their faces. The firefighter eventually got them away from the cathedral and away from the danger. Clair fell onto her knees, and broke down crying. "Why?! Why did it have to be her?!" Clair screamed, still crying her eyes out. Paul, who was also still crying uncontrollably, bent down and hugged his wife. "She's gone Paul! She's gone!" Clair screamed. Paul hugged Clair a lot tighter. The heartbroken parents stayed like that for about 10 minutes. 

Little did they know...

Victoria was dead, but she was still very much alive...

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