Chapter 3 : Visiting Notre Dame

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It was the night before they all went to Notre Dame and Victoria couldn't wait. She struggled to sleep that night because she was so excited.

The morning finally came and since she didn't sleep well the previous night, she slept until 12pm.

"Marshmallow! You've slept all morning! It's time to wake up!" Paul shouted while hitting Victoria with a pillow. Victoria just groaned and shuffled around. "Ugh. Go away," Victoria mumbled. "Okay fine. I guess we'll just go to Notre Dame with out you then" Paul said beginning to walk out. "NO!" Victoria shouted. Paul chuckled. "Wait... We're only going at 8pm!" Victoria shouted, picked up the pillow and started to hit her dad with it. "Okay okay sorry!" Paul half shouted while trying to block his daughter from hitting him.

"You better be," Victoria said followed by a death glare towards Paul. "Anyways, come down for breakfast, oh I mean lunch," Paul said while walking out of the room. "Oh ha ha. What are we having?" Victoria asked. "Whatever the cafe has," Paul replied smugly.

The whole day, Victoria was checking her phone every 5 minutes. "Yay! Only 2 hours, 37 minutes and 21 seconds until we go to Notre Dame!" Victoria shouted happily.

The 2 hours, 37 minutes and 21 seconds finally passed and Victoria couldn't be happier.

She came bouncing out of her room wearing her favorite light purple hoodie with red and white roses around the pockets and black ripped jeans. "Let's go!" Victoria said literally bouncing with excitement. "Hold up there Marshmallow, your dad is still getting ready," Clair said. "Ugh! DAD! HURRY UP!" Victoria shouted. "Coming!" Victoria heard faintly from her parents bedroom. Victoria pouted and Clair chuckled. Paul came out of his room adjusting his tie. "Finally! Let's go!" Victoria shouted. She grabbed Clair's hand and started dragging her out of the room. Then Clair grabbed Paul's hand and dragged him out as well.

They got into the car and started driving to Notre Dame. "Are we there yet?" Victoria asked impatiently. "Almost Marshmallow. Just about 10 more minutes," Clair replied. Victoria was looking out the window, admiring the beautiful architecture of Paris. "Do we have to go back home? I mean, it's so beautiful here," Victoria asked, still staring out the window. "I wish we could Marshmallow, but unfortunately we can't. You still have university and your mom and I still have work," Paul replied. Victoria had a thing for Notre Dame ever since she was 7 years old. So she was sad she couldn't live in Paris and drive past Notre Dame on the way to university everyday. "Fine," Victoria said disappointed. "Hey, don't be disappointed. At least we're going," Clair said. "Yeah. I'm so excited!" Victoria exclaimed, visibly excited.

Ten minutes of chatting about Notre Dame passed. Then the whole front of the cathedral was visible. Victoria literally screamed with excitement.

They parked the car and started to get out.

"Can you guys hurry up?" Victoria complained impatiently. "Alright then. Let's go!" Clair said then Victoria ran off to the entrance.

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