will you stay in our lovers story

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I woke up in a empty bed. I rolled over and groaned dramatically. It was wednesday, I didn't know the date, but it was wednesday. I softly called to David. No reply. I called again, louder. No reply. I shrugged, maybe he went to the music shop or his recording studio. I skipped down the stairs, happy because I got good sleep. I smoothed the calender on the wall. I slowly dragged my finger down. Wednesday. January. The 8th! David's birthday! I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I half slipped on the carpeted stairs, I caught myself. I laughed at my clumsy self and threw open the door to our room. It was our room, yet it had bowie things everywhere. I was still a massive fan except, well, he was my boyfriend. I threw on some comfy shorts with an arctic monkeys t shirt. I leaned down and stretched my arm under the bed. I felt around, Ah! There they were! David's gifts. I smiled and pulled them out gently. I put them behind the door so he wouldn't see them if he came into the bedroom. I had bought us tickets to go ice skating for today. So I folded some warm clothes on the bed for both of us. I heard David's mustang pull up outside. I smiled to myself. I remember when we first met he would speed to pick me up, to make sure he wasn't late, he only told me after so I couldn't tell him off. I giggled at the memory. I threw my messy hair up in a bun. I still had bedhead but that can wait!

I heard someone come in so I ran down the stairs. I slipped but arms caught me. It was David, I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Happy Birthday Handsome!" I squealed, then kissed him. He giggled, " thank you my love. " He kissed me on my forehead and then gently set me down so he could put his bag down. "Love be careful running around in those socks on carpet, you could fall." He said, slightly concerned. " Yes but I have a Prince charming to help me if I fall. " I winked, and ran off, sliding everywhere only just keeping my balance. "Y/N! be careful love!" He laughed and ran after me. He caught me in the kitchen by my waist, I laughed and put my head back to rest on his chest. "love you Davey. " I whispered. "Love you too, babygirl." He said, in his melodic voice.  I turned in his arms and started slowly dancing. I called to David's assistant Marie and asked her if she could put the record player on. She did and it started playing Kooks. David smiled warmly at me and we sung together
Will you stay in our lovers story,
If you stay,
You don't be sorry,
We believe in you

We danced in time to the song, giggling and smiling all the while. We danced around the house until we got in the living room, next to the record player. I switched it off and looked at the clock. David waggled his eyebrows at me curiously. I laughed, "None of your business silly." I shoved him lightly. He acted mock-offended and chuckled. I led him upstairs and he walked behind me, close to ensure I don't fall again. He rubbed my back softly as we walked up. I led him into our room and made him sit on the bed. I dragged his presents out from behind the door and set them infront of him. They were 3 big gifts.  "You didn't have to love!" David exclaimed. I smiled and hugged him. I have him the first one. He unwrapped it. It was a BIG stack of records, all his favourites, I had spent 5 hours getting them all. I asked David if he would mind opening his presents later, as we have to go somewhere. He didn't mind at all.

We both got into the clothes I laid out and I found David's blue scarf. I hooked it over his head and used it to pull him closer for a kiss. He smiled into the kiss as I wrapped the scarf around his neck so he could keep warm. We broke the kiss and I took his hand in mine.

2 hours later

David and I were at the train station, he still hadn't the slightest notion as to where we were going, which was good i wanted it to be a surprise. We hopped on our train and he stood, allowing a pregnant lady to sit down. She smiled graciously and sat beside me. "You picked a handsome one there." She whispered. " kind too. " she smiled. "Indeed I did." I replied, grinning. I caught myself admiring David, he was oblivious to it. He was busy looking to try and figure out where we are going. The person on the other side of me for off. So David took a seat beside me and kisses my forehead. "What stop is it darling?" He asked softly. I didn't mind him knowing, it was going to be pretty obvious when we for there. I told him the stop and we got off, as we walked up, he realised and broke into a wide grin. We stopped on the steps and looked at the beautiful sky. I watched David looking at the sky. His eyes were lit up, twinkling. His face glowing with happiness. "I love you." We both said in unison.

927 words!!!! I won 2nd place in a fanfiction competition and I'm so happy!!!! Words can't explain how grateful I am! If you came from the hipgenerationwards book then welcome! I hope you enjoy my story so far and the chapters to come.

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