because of what you are

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I woke up, as always, in David's embrace. I smiled to myself, I was so lucky. His slender fingers entangled in my hair from stroking it after I had a nightmare. His angelic face wore a soft smile as he dreamed. His long hair that was once slicked back was sprawled on the pillow, still slightly gelled. Angie's words flickered in my head, like an open sign in a shop window. He won't love you, because of what you are. What did that mean? If course I didn't believe it but I still wanted to know what she meant. I shivered slightly and the thought left my mind as fast as it had appeared. David noticed my discomfort even in his sleep and hugged me close. I snuggled into his chest. Just before my eyelids close, I catch a glimpse of the clock, 0:08.

I wake up an hour later. Not sure why I woke but I can't go back to sleep. I don't want to get up incase I wake David. Being close makes me feel safe anyway. Sleep. I tell myself. Sleep. In my mind the waves of sleep crash against the gates of my minds stubbornness to keep thinking, my mind fights, but it tires of fighting, suddenly I feel the gates open, the sea of sleep drowns me, I succumb to peace, the dreamland awaits.

I wake up again. This time it's 8 in the morning. I don't mind getting up a little early but I have to be very careful not to awake David, incase he has to record today otherwise he will be very tired and not be able to do his very best. Luckily we moved in our sleep and David's arm is over me and his other arm is resting on his stomach. I slide out from under his arm and slip on my socks and my gown. I think of what Angie said, now that I've pondered it, I think she means because I'm not famous. If I'm honest, neither was she but David was with her regardless. She became famous for being with David, so really she just said it to agitate me. I know David loves me and he shows it in many ways. I smile at myself in my bathroom mirror as I'm brushing my teeth.

I have a plan. I grab a pen and write on a post it note. "Popped out, be back soon x" I cross it out and try again. "Sorry you woke up alone, I'll be back soon! Call me if you are going anywhere and I'll meet you, if not I'll meet you here x eternally yours Y/N " I draw a little heart afterwards. I put the pen cap on and stick the note on the bedside table on David's side. I throw some leggings, a beanie and a bowie t-shirt on. I slip my boots on and grab my tote bag. I smile down at my bowie shirt. I walk into the shopping centre, it's busy and I think about turning back but I love David too much. I want to do this, forget social anxiety. I speed walk to the jeweller and step in. It's not busy at all, I see a Gold ring that can be personalised with words, it has a beautiful, small ruby. I walk to the shop owner and ask him if I could have 'Lovers never Lose' engraved on it, before the ruby. He smiled and nods, I thank him. "How-er-much will it be?" I ask, quickly. " £60. " he says, smiling at my shyness. I pay and he tells me to come back in an hour to collect it. I thank him awkwardly and rush out of the shop.

I spend an hour in the bookshop, I still look in there for bowie books often, even though, yes, I am dating him but it's fun to read about him, he's still my idol I just love him love him, yknow? Like as a boyfriend rather than someone I admire greatly. I hurriedly walk back to the jewellers and he hands me the ring in a velvet box. I thank him profusely and slip it into my bag. As I walk out of the shop I bump softly into someone. I hear a very very familiar laugh. "Love?" A velvety voice purrs. "Davey?" I giggle. David hugs me and we rock slightly. "I saw your note and I assumed you came here to the bookshop." David smiled. "You were right, love." I grin. " Where do you wanna go? " I ask, linking arms with him. "Music shop! Music shop" he says in a childish manner. "Me too actually. I need to get Hunky Dory by David Bowie on vinyl. You heard of him?" I smile. " yeah I have actually, I've heard he's great. " David said, chuckling. 

We enter the shop and the 3 people inside spin round. They all stare at David, but he doesn't notice as we are still continuing our conversation about what vinyls we want. David grabs a Velvet Underground one and I grab Hunky Dory. We both pay and as we turn around to leave, a man is behind us, he is very excited and asks David for an autograph. David smiled and I give him my pen. David signs the book the man had and the man beams. I link arms with David again and David waves at the man as we leave the shop. I open my tote to put our vinyls in, I made sure David didn't see the little velvet box in my bag as I slip them in. I hope he will love it. It's a promise ring. Like engagement but less papers. But it's still commitment.

965 wordssssssssss. I hope you enjoyed :)))))

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