(Chap 1) Party!

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"Ahhh~!" I moaned out loudly as I was being rammed into. my body shaking and moans were forced out as Another placed bite marks and kisses to my neck. It felt so good. I felt so used and I loved it so much, but it came to an end as I woke up in a hot sweat.

I sigh and sit up "Always comes to an end at the same damn scene" I whine, before throwing off my blanket and standing to my feet. I check the time and and groan. "Ugh, I have work" I mumble as I open up my closet and pull out a white button up and some black jeans. 

I slip off my boxers as I slip on some Pastel pink ones and then the jeans and button up. I look in my stand up mirror that sat next to my bedroom door, well where the bedroom door was. I fix my hair and put on some cherry chap stick since my lips looked very chapped. "I really to spice up my wardrobe" I mumble as I grab my wallet, phone, and keys off my night-stand. 

I check the time once more. 9:13 in the morning. I walk to my kitchen and grab out a snack bar, eating it as I slip on my white and grey sneakers before walking out of my house. I lock the front door before unlocking my car and getting inside the dark green buggy. I close the door and buckle up before pulling out of my drive-way. 

I yawn and turn on the radio. Rick Astley: never gonna give you up was playing. I hum along and drive to the nearby coffee shop, getting myself a iced caramel mocha before driving to work. I drink my coffee and park the car in the Mc. Nibbens parking lot. I jump as Jakob(My bestfriend) knocks on my car window. I open my door as I get out of my buggy. 

"Hey, buddy!" Jakob says and wraps me in a hug. "Hi" I say and hug back as I drink my coffee. "Sleep well? cuz I slept like a baby, and I hooked up with that cute boy from the bar, Parker" Jakob says and I scoff "Of course you did. he was eyeing you all night" I say as I follow Jakob into work. 

"He was a virgin and a cute one at that" Jakob says and I hum in response as I set my phone, wallet, and keys in my locker in the back of the store. Jakob sat down at the table and kept talking about Parker as I drank the rest of my iced coffee. "Work starts in like ten minutes, guys" Justice says(Another worker. it was only us three today)

 "Alright, and? we still have time" Jakob says and chuckles as Justice sends him a glare and flips him off. "C'mon guys lets get the store ready to open" I say and Justice smiles at me. He always liked me better then Jakob even said it to Jakob's face before. I smile back at him before walking away. I get the front desk clean as Jakob opens the doors and Justice turns around the closed sign to say opened.

 I watch them and see Justice look over at Jakob, eyeballing him. Everyone in town loved Jakob, the girls, the guys, and non-binary pals. Everyone. He's the town's hot boy. I laugh quietly and walk to Jakob. Justice was staring outside as cars drove into the parking lot. "Hey, I'm having a party tonight at the club. you should defiantly come, maybe meet someone" Jakob says and I roll my eyes. "I know everyone in town and none of them have caught my eye" I say and move aside as people walk into the store.

"I know, but I invited the people who live in the mansion and I think you'll like them" Jakob says and nudges my shoulder. I scoff and roll my eyes "They may be hot but they're rude, rich, assholes" I say and cross my arms. "Cheer up, buddy. come to my party, you'll never know who you'll meet" Jakob says before walking away "I do know who I'll meet! Rich assholes!" I say and huff as Jakob ignores me. "Excuse me. could you help me? I'm looking for a present for Rosy, my youngest niece" A nice older lady (Lilith) says to me and I smile gently. "Yeah, of course. what kind of things does she like?" I ask and help Lilith find something for Rosy. 

A few hours later(5:30 pm) 

"I'll see you at my party!" Jakob says before getting in his car. I groan and get into my buggy as I start it up. Justice was closing up the store for the night. I lean back and listen to my Bo Burnham Cd, singing along as I stare out of my window and watch the sun set. I hum softly and drive home, so I could get ready for Jakob's party that was in about an hour. 

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