Starting Again

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This is the point of the Pokémon Games that I usually stopped playing...! Lol At least, until the Diamond and Pearl series! I'd play all the way through, collect the 8 Gym Badges, but when it came time to train-up my Pokémon Team... I got bored...!

But as we've seen in the Anime Series, Trainers can't just give up like that! Unlike in the video games, there's a whole other kind of challenge Trainers are preparing for: the Pokémon League! Following along Ash's journey, there's always a group of episodes (we can sort of call them "Fillers") where he's just Training for the competition. Whether actual Training is happening, or he's just fooling around with his friends, it changes. But either way, there's always somewhere between 1-3months of a time-frame where he, and his Contest Coordinator Companion, are working to become stronger! These are basically those episodes...!

Episode 51: A Burning Desire!

To start off this episode we get a little snippet into Kari's love of learning and Pokémon. In the previous episode she rambles on about the research being done on Eevee and its Evolutions in other Regions and now she's talking about Arcanine, the Dratini Evolution Line, and their classifications. Right in front of a Pokémon Researcher, Kari is proving her intelligence, as well as her battling prowess! Because she's just a naive little nerd...! lol

I think it's important that Santi explains the type of Trainer Kari is. We've seen her switch out Pokémon, frequently, and she's always seen taking chances on new friends rather than relying on older, more experienced Pokémon. Santi tells the others how Kari's goal is to meet and befriend as many Pokémon as she can while on her journey. She wants the chance to Train and create a bond with each and every one of them. She doesn't just stick to one group for her journey (*coughcoughASH*) she spends time with them all, no matter how inexperienced they are, she fully believes in their ability to grow and become stronger.

He goes on to mention her dedication to learning. Not only is she a research-nerd, Kari does everything she can to learn about The Pokémon she's with in order to better care for them. She's often seen discussing tips with Nurse Joy and making frequent phone calls to Professor Oak when she has a question; she also works out alongside her team! They're never doing the laps and Training on their own, because how else are you supposed to grow together? She learned that from her time at the Team Rocket Academy...!

Per Indigo League Guidelines, as I always make sure to discuss and clarify, by returning one's Pokémon to its Pokémon it's an automatic loss. We saw this rule enacted a number of times throughout Ash's journey, as well as when he competed in the Indigo Conference; therefore, by Blaine choosing to return his Arcanine from its exhaustion, he lost 1 of his possible 4 Pokémon. But that didn't matter since it had already taken down 2 of Kari's Pokémon.

Kari and Vulpix manage to even the match, except now Blaine's bringing out his strongest of Pokémon...! Although she puts up a good fight, Vulpix loses to Blaine's Ninetales, but Kari isn't giving up yet. Everyone thinks that this is the end for her, but she had already told Santi that there was a secret weapon... It's finally revealed that her little Magikarp had evolved!!

After all that Training in the ocean and all the confidence and love that Kari was sure to give him, Magikarp had become one of her fiercest Pokémon yet! Kari proves her skills as a Trainer in this match. Not only is she able to stand up against Blaine's toughest Pokémon, she's learning on the spot! Kari takes what she's watching happen in the battle and wins! Gyarados defeats Magmar!! Everyone is stunned, but Gyarados is just so happy he's bawling~! And so is Santi...! lol

In the end, Nikki's confidence is feeling much better after her defeat to Kari. Blaine reassures her of her skills- maybe she is ready to take on the mantle of Cinnabar Island Gym Leader...?? Kari decides to get started in her Training right away!

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