Chapter 1

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Siobhan's POV
Waking up at 5:30am is a usual morning wake up for me unlike kids around the world who get up for school from Mondays to Fridays I don't go to school because I'm home schooled instead I work at the Australia zoo alongside my dad Wes Mannion and my younger brother Riley Mannion.

At the age of 10 years old my mom and dad got a divorce about three days after my 10th birthday and my dad got full time custody of Riley and I then when I was 11 years old just a year after their divorce my mom was involved in a car crash and she died at the scene, I was so sad after her death I couldn't talk to anyone outside my family for two mouths then when i finally did my aunt Rosie gave me a seashell necklace that my mom was going to give to me for my 13th birthday and it was so pretty and now I wear it every day to remind myself of her and that she's watching over me from heaven.

My dad puts so much pressure on me to be the next director of Australia zoo one day once he retires and to live up to my dad's best friend Steve Irwin's legacy

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My dad puts so much pressure on me to be the next director of Australia zoo one day once he retires and to live up to my dad's best friend Steve Irwin's legacy. I started cutting because of all the pressures he puts on me, the only other person that knows is Riley after he caught me cutting myself one day and he swore to keep it a secret from everyone including our dad.

Today I wake up and I get ready for the day and I make a fresh cut and I wrapped it up in a white bandage before I have breakfast with my brother and my dad. We then drive to the zoo since we live about 20 minutes from the zoo and we arrived at the zoo before we headed inside and then we went our separate ways. I head to my locker to grab my camera because I'm taking photos of the tigers today for my morning shift before I stared at photos on the inside of my locker door of me with Cookie, one of the crocodiles at the zoo who is my favourite crocodile and another one of my dad, Riley and I and the last one was of Robert and I taking photos with our cameras together.

I then close my locker after I get my camera out and Robert is there standing in front of me "Hey Rob" I said to him "Hey Sio, where are you going with your camera?" "I've got a shift with the tigers and I'm taking photos of them" "Lucky you" "Why?" "Because I'm with you on this shift" Robert then gets out his camera from his locker and we head over to the tigers and we got some amazing photos of them before we played with the baby tigers and they were so cute.

Robert's POV
I didn't have a morning shift but I wanted to spend the morning with Siobhan alone which was weird for me to say this especially since we are best friends but I'm lonely and I want to find my soulmate. We got back to our lockers and we had a crocoseum show today so we rushed over to the backstage area of it and we quickly got our mics on us before the show begins and then once we got out there the whole crowd went crazy for us before we started our part of the show and Cookie was first introduced and Siobhan feed her while my mom was telling the audience about Cookie, Cookie then left and we brought out Acco and I was supposed to jump on his head as a way to show the audience how we catch the crocodiles and then as soon as I was about to jump on his head Acco dragged me under the water by my ankle and I could hear everyone scream.

Siobhan's POV
Acco just dragged Robert under the water and everyone was screaming but I stayed calm because I don't want to make the situation worse, my seashell necklace glowed and I saw flashbacks of my mother saving my dad's life from a crocodile by doing this move called the shake and drop, the flashbacks disappeared and I realised that in order to save Robert I have to do this move, I then said to Riley "Get me duct tape now" "Why?" "Just go and do it" Riley then left and I ran straight at Acco but my dad said to me "What are you doing?" "The shake and drop move" I then dashed over to Acco and Robert while Bindi and Terri were trying to calm the audience down along with some other workers at the zoo, I then climbed on Acco's back and I started to shake his head like a rag doll I then said to Acco "Let him go now" Acco then let go of Robert and Chandler and my dad got Robert out of the water while I stayed on top of Acco suddenly Acco snapped back at me and I jumped off him and I rolled away from him as he tried to bite me. Acco then had me in a corner and I was terrified for my life and then I closed my eyes and I said "If this is the way I'm going to die then I'll accept it to be with my mom again" I then heard someone jump on Acco and tape his mouth and it was my dad, my dad then said to Acco "No crocodile is going to hurt or kill my daughter and it certainly won't be you Acco" Riley then helped me up while my dad and some of the other zoo workers deal with Acco.

Chandler then rushed up to me and I said to him "How's Robert?" "He's not breathing but we need to make sure you are ok" "No" I then dashed over to Robert on the ground, the crowd had left now so it was just us on the field, "Robert, oh no Robert" I then did cpr on him and I kissed him to get air into his lungs, Robert then woke up and he coughed water out of his mouth while I said to him "Are you ok?" "Yeah, thanks to you" "No problems" We then left the arena and Riley said to me "Do you realise what could have happened today out there?, you could have been killed or worse your cutting scars would have been seen by everyone" "Riley just relax, those things didn't happen today" "Well here's a wake up call for you, if you don't stop cutting and getting better from your depression I'm telling dad what's been going on with you for the past five months" "Riley..., look I'm sorry" "You have tried to commit suicide before and I'm not gonna let you try again so wake up, stop cutting and get better from your depression because if I tell dad he will go ballistic at you" Riley then walked off and I was lucky our mic packs were turned off, I then took off my mic pack before I headed to the gift shop for my afternoon shift there.

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