Chapter 2

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Siobhan's POV
It was the next day and it was Wednesday, I woke up as per usual and I got ready for the day, I had no morning shifts so I had the morning off so I decided to walk around the zoo this morning as per usual.

I was walking around the zoo when I felt someone behind me and when I turned around no one was there so I continued to walk around until someone grabbed me from behind me and I screamed until I realised the person was Robert. "Hey Siobhan, are you ok?" "Yeah I was ok until you scared me" "Sorry, anyways I was driving the golf cart when I saw you and I thought you might like a lift to where ever you are going" "No thanks Rob" "Okay, I'll see you later" Robert then walked off before Bindi walked up to me and then she said "You like him, don't you?" "Robert no, we're just best friends" "Oh ok"

We did another crocodile show and it went better then yesterday with out any mistakes like yesterday, I then went to the gift shop and we didn't get a lot of customers as per usual it was only grandparents and their grandkids and school tours buying things so at least I got to take a rest. Riley then walked into the shop and he said to me since no one else was in the shop "I think dad is figuring it out" "How do you know?" "He was acting weird around me like he knew we were both hiding something from him" "Look he's probably just tired from working at the zoo a lot today" "Look Siobhan we have to tell him what's been going on with you before he finds out himself" "Relax Riley I didn't cut this morning" "Good because if you did, dad would have figured it out" "Now get out of here before your fans show up and try to tear you to bits like the last time" "Okay bye" Riley then left and I sighed before I got back to work.

Robert's POV
I noticed Siobhan screamed when I hugged her from behind, she doesn't do that ever do I decided to check up on her in the gift shop, I walked over to the gift shop and I heard Riley walk in before me and I could hear him and Siobhan talking "I think dad is figuring it out" "How do you know?" "He was acting weird around me like he knew we were both hiding something from him" "Look he's probably just tired from working at the zoo a lot today" "Look Siobhan we have to tell him what's been going on with you before he finds out himself" "Relax Riley I didn't cut this morning" "Good because if you did, dad would have figured it out" "Now get out of here before your fans show up and try to tear you to bits like the last time" "Okay bye" I was shocked, Siobhan cuts herself, I then walked off before I went home and Stella is there, I then pick her up and she licks me as I walk to the living room with her.

Siobhan's my best friend and I can't believe she cuts herself, I then heard the front door open and it's Bindi and my mom, We then prepared dinner and we eat while I'm still in shock of what i discovered about Siobhan and then as I'm going to sleep I get a idea to help her stop cutting for good.

The next day...
I wake up and I get ready for the day and then I walk down my driveway and I walk around the zoo trying to find Siobhan and I found her talking to Riley in front of the office, Siobhan and Riley then go their separate ways and I follow Siobhan to the bathrooms and a couple of minutes later she comes out with a fresh white bandage on her arm and then I figured out she must have cut herself in the bathroom. I then said to her "Morning Siobhan" "Morning Robert" She then walks off before I said to her "I know your secret" she then stops and she turned around to face me before she said to me "What secret?" I then walked up to her and she started walking backwards from me, then once I was close enough to her I grabbed her arm that she bandaged up and she winces at my touch, she then tried to get her arm out of my hand but I then said to her "I know you cut yourself" "You don't know what you are talking about" "Don't deny it, you do and i've seen your behaviour lately and it shows you do" "Robert let me go" "No, not until you tell me why you cut yourself" "Because I have all theses pressures from my dad to be the next zoo director once he retires and to live up to your dad's legacy" "Siobhan, if the pressures are all too much, you should talk to your dad about it, I'm sure he will understand" "No, he'll go balletic if he finds out I cut myself especially since my mom died and he has no one expect for Riley and me" "Why don't you and I take the day off and I can help you, we only have to do the crocodile show" "Ok but would your mom be mad at you?" "No, I'll tell her we are both sick and she'll believe me anyways" "Ok"

Later on...
We went back to my house after the crocodile show and i was lucky my mom believed us as being sick, I then said to Siobhan "First step is removing the item that is causing you to cut" I then held out my hand and she took a small knife out of her phone pocket and she handed it to me before I threw it into the trash, I then said "Let's go for a walk as a way to distract you from cutting yourself again" We then went outside and we went for a walk before she went home.

Robert Irwin x Siobhan MannionWhere stories live. Discover now