Chapter 8

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Siobhan's POV
I got home after my day of working at the zoo and I packed up all my belongings to move to Robert's house and I took a shower and then I got changed into this outfit.

I quickly packed up the last bits of my belongings before I heard someone behind me and it was Robert "Hey Sio" "Hey Rob" "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah" Robert and I along with Chandler moved my boxes to the car before we left and I hugged my dad a...

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I quickly packed up the last bits of my belongings before I heard someone behind me and it was Robert "Hey Sio" "Hey Rob" "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah" Robert and I along with Chandler moved my boxes to the car before we left and I hugged my dad and Riley goodbye and then we arrived at the zoo, the zoo was closed now and there was no one around expect for us. We unpacked the car and we brought up the boxes to Robert's room, we were going to be sharing a room like Bindi and Chandler do.

I unpacked the boxes before dinner and then we ate dinner and then we went back to our bedroom and then I did some home school work on my MacBook before Robert walked up behind me and then he kissed my neck making my heart flutter and then Robert closed my computer and then he picked me up and then he placed me on the bed before we kissed and then we went to sleep.

The next day...
I woke up and I put a jumper of Robert's on since my jumpers aren't fully unpacked yet and I opened up Robert's door and Stella was sitting outside the door because she wanted to come in because she doesn't sleep with Robert because she snores a lot, Stella then pushed through me and she jumped on Robert's bed and I muttered "Uh oh" Robert then woke up and he said in a raspy but tired voice "Stella, how you did get in my bedroom?" I then said "Sorry Robert, I opened the door and she pushed through me" "It's fine after all, she does that a lot to my mom or Bindi" I then got on the bed and I said to Robert "Come on Robert, let's have breakfast, we have a big day at the zoo" "I know we have the last crocodile show today since yesterday it was raining when we were supposed to do it" "Come on Robert, get up" "Not without a kiss" I then kissed Robert and we got out of his bedroom and he hold Stella the whole way down the stairs, he then put her down and she ran to her bowl full of her own breakfast while Robert and I heard Terri say to us "Good morning sleepy heads" "Good morning" we then ate breakfast and Robert and I got changed into our Australian zoo outfits, we then walked to our lockers holding hands and then we did the start of the crocodile show and I fed Cookie while Robert was telling the audience about Cookie. The others had to leave to go take care of an emergency with one of the snakes we have at the zoo so it was just Robert and I today.

Robert's POV
We brought out Monty next and then I looked behind me after Monty left and I saw Graham with a snake about to attack Siobhan. My heart was beating so fast for her as the audience was trying to tell her that Graham and the snake was right behind her, I quickly grabbed some ropes and then I heard a terrifying scream. Siobhan was on the ground and her ankle was bleeding, I saw Graham about to rip her apart and then I quickly jumped on Graham and I warped the ropes around his mouth as the audience screamed and they ran out of the stadium and then Graham threw me off him and then I was on the ground in front of Siobhan protecting her from him.

Graham then growled and then he was about to attack me when Wes and Chandler appeared out of nowhere and they jumped on him and Chandler tapped his mouth while Bindi and my mom were trying to calm the audience down while two other zoo workers were dealing with the snake, I quickly turned around to Siobhan who was wimping on the ground in pain, I quickly grabbed a towel from Riley and I warped it around her ankle while she said "The snake bit me and it's poison is inside me and I'm not going to live" "You are going to live, we just have to get you to Dr Sam" "Dr Sam is backstage and she's waiting for Siobhan" Riley told me, I scooped Siobhan up and I rushed her to the backstage area, Dr Sam quickly examined her before we took her to the hospital and they put her in surgery and they got the poison out of her.

A few hours later...
I was finally allowed to see Siobhan and I rushed to her hospital bed, they were keeping her over night for observation and then I said to her "Hi Siobhan, it's me Robert, I should of had known Graham was behind you earlier, I'm sorry" I then cried and then I saw her necklace glow, that's weird. Siobhan then opened her eyes and she said "Its ok"

The next day....
Siobhan came back to the zoo and we spent the afternoon together.

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