Chapter 7

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Siobhan's POV
Today was our second last crocodile show and I'm ready to go, we had our mics on and everyone was set to go. We did our usual walk out and we brought out Monty today before we brought out Graham and my dad decided to not have me next to Robert after what happened the last time with Graham and I'm so nervous for Robert.

Graham comes out of the water and he's ready to charge at anyone who is in his way and then he looks at me and I got chills down my spine, suddenly Graham comes at me and then I jump to get away from him, Graham then turned around and he's mad at me I then said to him "It's alright buddy" Suddenly Graham moves around me and then he charged at me and I did a back flip to get away from him. I then felt dizzy and then my dad and Chandler got Graham back into the water and I walk over to Bindi who said to me "Are you okay?" "Yeah" but I wasn't and I knew it. We finished the show and then we got backstage and then I saw my ankle where Graham bit me was healing but something was wrong with it, I had a feeling. Robert then hugged me and I no reaction to it because I was so tired from the show today, Robert then noticed and he said in a concerned voice "Are you okay, Sio?" "No, I feel dizzy and tired" "Just sit down and I'll get you some water" I then nodded and I sat down before i saw Graham min front of me and I screamed before I fell to the ground.

Robert's POV
I got Siobhan a bottle of water before I walked back to where she was sitting and she was on the ground with her eyes closed "Siobhan, hey wake up" I then did cpr on her and she woke up, I then helped her up and she drinks the water I got for her before I said to her "Maybe you shouldn't be filming for the show this afternoon" "No, I can handle it" "Ok, we're just going to be cutting Lighting and Fred's feet today" "I know that besides I'll be there as backup or if you need a break from holding the shield, come on let's go, we don't want to be late" Siobhan and I then walk off before we found Dr Sam who was looking for us, we then went to where the snapping turtles are and the cameras started rolling and i blocked Dr Sam, Nick and Siobhan from Lighting, we then did Fred and we discovered that Fred has a painful problem with his nails but Dr Sam fixed them for him. Once the cameras stopped rolling Dr Sam wanted to see Siobhan's ankle that was bitten by Graham and she wanted to see how the healing was going along with it and she looked at it and then Siobhan and i went back to my place and we sat down on my couch and I was just playing with her hair.

Siobhan then said "I saw Graham in front of me, that's why I fainted" "But he wasn't there, was he?" "No, it was just my mind playing with me" "Would you move to this house and live with me?" Siobhan was shocked, she then said "Have you talked to-" "Yes, I have talked to my mom and Bindi about this and they both agreed to it" "Well then I'll say yes" "I'll help you move in the day after tomorrow" "Great" Siobhan then left and I smiled and I walked upstairs to my bedroom and I grab a framed photo of my dad and I when I was younger before I said to it "Hey dad, it's me Robert, Siobhan's my girlfriend now and she's going to move into this house the day after tomorrow and I know that you're proud of me from heaven and thanks for trying to set Siobhan and I up  for dating each other because it finally worked, love you dad" I then had dinner with Bindi, Chandler and my mom before I went to sleep.

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