Chapter 5

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Faith POV:

Tim follows me around his house as I collect my things, tossing it in a bag. He screams at the top of his lungs, both furious and scared, as I react the same way.

"You cannot tell me that you look at him the way you look at me, Faith. There's no fucking way." He screams, as I try my hardest to ignore him. I focus on packing, causing him to lose his composure. "For fucks sake, at least look at me!" He shouts, as I freeze, shutting my eyes while trying to remain sane. "Faith!" He screams, causing me to turn. He breathes deeply, looking like he's fighting back tears. "Tell me what the hell happened." He demands, as I feel myself shake. I don't know if it's from fear, anxiety, or anger, but I can feel it down in my bones.

"He asked me to marry him. I said yes." I state, wanting this conversation to end as soon as possible. He glares at me, clenching his fists before stretching them out.

"Why?" He replies immediately, wanting me to justify my decision. I shrug, not wanting to delve into it. "What's the difference between he and I that made you say yes?" He rambles, as I roll my eyes. "Seriously, Faith, tell me." He orders, as I lean my head back, irritated with the state of the conversation. I shut my eyes, as Tim grows impatient once more. "Faith!" He screams again.

"What do you want me to tell you?" I shriek, matching his frantic level. "He has a stable job, a stable life, and he cares about me. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I shout, as he immediately begins to argue with me.

"And I don't?" He screams over me, as I glare at him, feeling my frustration grow unbearable.

"Your life is the farthest thing from stable!" I shriek, as I watch him try to catch his breath.

"Fine, then I'll quit!" He shouts, making me laugh, knowing he'd never. "If you want me to become some singer songwriter or whatever the fuck he does, then I will." He begins to ramble, as I continue packing once more. "Goddamnit, Faith stop packing!" He screams as I shut my eyes again, wishing I could hide from this scenario. I place my hands on my bag, taking a deep breath as I try to organize my thoughts so he can't twist my head around. "I love you." He spits out, making me wince. I hang my head, forcing myself to breathe as I feel him step closer to me. "You cannot tell me that you don't feel it." He says as I feel tears run down my cheek. I wipe them quickly, my heart pulling toward him as my head tells me to go in the other direction.

"He loves me too, Tim, and I care about him." I let out, feeling my stomach churn. Tim steps even closer.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you love him more than me." He demands, as my chest aches. I look at him, before feeling my throat grow dry. I can't say it... "I love you, Faith." He repeats as I shake my head.

"You don't." I argue, as he staggers back, starting to pace. "What you feel is lust, Tim. It's not love." I try to convince, as he looks at me like I've just hit him. He walks over to his nightstand, digging through it as I continue to scream. "What we have is a summer fling that has gone too far, because we are mistaking sex for love." I ramble, before he starts to toss out things from the drawer as he desperately searches. "We can't keep pretending that this is some long-term thing, Tim, because it's not. Lust doesn't last. We can talk about forever all we want, but it's nothing but words, wrapped up in a pretty bow, alright? We don't mean it." I scream, before he turns around toward me, jamming a box in my hand. He stares at me, watching me closely as I open it subconsciously. I look down and feel my stomach drop.

"Tell me again how I don't mean forever." He says, as I look down at the wedding ring sitting in a Cartier box. It's gorgeous... My hands shake, as I feel my chest ache painfully. "Faith, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if I haven't made myself clear." He asserts, as tears start to run down my cheek. "I know that loving someone like this is scary, given what you've been through, but I promise... I'm not going to blindside you." He says, resting his hand on my cheek as I start to hyperventilate, feeling like I may faint. "I love you." He says again, pressing our foreheads together.

"Tim, I can't..." I croak out, before covering my mouth. I hear myself weep as he shakes his head. "I don't want to be in love... I don't want to love someone like that." I sob, watching him study me.

"I know you're scared, Faith, but you're not going to lose me." He starts to reassure me, as I let out gut wrenching cries.

"You can't promise that." I reply, feeling him grab onto my arms. I pull away, feeling unable to bear his touch anymore. "I'm sorry." I let out, as he watches me carefully. "I can't..." I croak, before setting the ring down on the dresser and grabbing my bag.

"Faith..." He calls, chasing after me as I lose my ability to hold it in any longer. I turn toward him, feeling myself burst.

"I'm pregnant." I spit out, watching him recoil after I drop the bombshell. He stares without reaction for a few moments, before blinking quickly as he tries to process it. "It's not Scott's." I add, as he raises his eyebrows, looking like he hasn't taken a breath since I said the words. He takes a deep breath, before starting to nod. "I'm not keeping it..." I say before he can think too far ahead of himself. He opens his mouth to likely argue it, before I put up my hands. "Tim, if I wanted to hear what your opinion was on it, I would've asked for it." I spew, watching him wince.

"Faith, please hear me out." He starts, despite my warning. I turn away, feeling him grow even more frustrated with me. "You're being a goddamn coward, Faith!" He screams, stopping me in my place. "I'm standing here, offering to completely alter my life and change for you. I'm telling you that I love you and I'm ready to marry you, and you are running from this, still." He begins to shout once more. "And I said all that before figuring out you're pregnant with my child. What the hell are you afraid of?" He says, as I shut my eyes. 

"Every goddamn man in my life has disappeared from my life the moment I'm used to them being around. Every man who has promised me the world has fallen short, Tim. I don't think you're the exception to the rule." I scream hysterically as he pants, his mind frantically racing through every option he has in this situation. 

"Stop being a coward, Faith, and take a goddamn chance on me." He bursts as I stand with my bag packed. I shut my eyes for a moment, feeling my tears race. 


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