Chapter 28 (One Year Later)

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Tim POV: 

I stare at the lawyer, watching him read over all of the paperwork. He glances up at us before setting it down on the table.

"So this is generally an uncontested separation, am I correct?" He releases, as I nod, feeling her tension. "I see that you plan on splitting custody 50/50, with joint participation at special events." While I continue to nod. He narrows his eyes at part of it. "Mrs. McGraw will receive the house, the cars, in addition to $10,000 a month in child support and alimony until Margaret McGraw turns 18." He reads aloud, glancing up as if there were something extreme about it. "That's... Alright..." He says, dropping the issue. I know it's far more than what I probably could've gotten away with giving her but I want the kids to be well taken care of in both households. "Upon the children's graduation from high school, Mr McGraw will cover the cost of higher education as a part of the settlement." He continues to read, before setting down the sheet. "Does this all sound correct?" He asks. 

"Yes." Kris says, speaking out for the first time today. He looks over at me as I nod. 

"Alright, well I'll have you both sign this document, which will officially dissolve your union." He announces, turning a paper toward us. I take the pen and quickly sign off, before pushing it toward Kris. She stares at it for a moment, before reluctantly leaning forward. She signs off, sliding the sheet back to the lawyer. "You both are now officially divorced." He says, mixed feelings around the room. Kris hangs her head for a moment, while I stand, shaking his hand. She follows behind me, shaking his hand and walking out. 

"Tim..." She croaks out as we enter the parking lot. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "I hope you know I never meant to hurt you..." She releases, before looking down at her keys in her hand. 

"I know." I reply, sighing as I unlock my truck. "Drive safe." I add as she nods, watching me get in my car and drive off. 

I take the long route to my new place, taking time to swing by the reservoir. Something about the water is comforting after a day like this. The sun hangs in the horizon, painting the sky fire red as boats float along the dock of a waterside bar. I eye the sign, feeling something pull me toward it. I drive into the gravel lot beside it, walking inside hesitantly. 

An old jukebox lies in the back, playing Conway Twitty, as a gray-haired bartender wipes down the bar. Large windows on the side bordering the lake are spread open, letting in the breeze off the water. Some obscure Nashville memorabilia lies on the walls, catching my eye. 

"Hey, what can I get for you?" The friendly bartender says, sparing me a warm smile. I look at her, before looking at the tap. 

"What do you have bottled?" I ask, leaning against the bar. 

"Budweiser, Coors Light, Mich Ultra, and Miller." She replies, as I fight a smile at the insanely limited selection of domestic beer. 

"I'll take your best Budweiser." I remark, watching her laugh as she turns back toward the beer fridge. I turn and look at the different photographs and frames on the wall. Lyric sheets, pictures, and signatures coat almost every inch of the walls. "It must've taken you guys a while to collect all this..." I let out, blown away at some of the artifacts in front of me. The woman scoffs, popping the top on my beer and sliding it toward me. 

"That's an understatement." She answers as I hand her a card for my tab, taking the beer over to the wall. "I think my favorite one is the Keith Whitley lyrics to your right." She says, as I immediately move to them. 

"Holy shit!" I let out, before covering my mouth. 

If I were alone in the desert without a drink of water around
With my knees and hands in that white scorching sand, with the hot Sahara sun beating down
If I could be granted my wishes and anything I want would come true
Well, I know that it might sound funny, but here's what I want you to do

Tell Lorrie I love her. Tell Lorrie I need her
Tell her everything would be okay, if I could just see her
Tell Lorrie I love her. Tell Lorrie I need her
And if I leave this old world, tell her she's the only girl for me

"How the hell did you get this?" I ask, as the bartender smiles. 

"Lorrie used to come in here from time to time. Are you a fan?" She laughs as I nod, tapping a sip of my beer. 

"His music was a big part of the reason I came to Nashville." I reply, before my eyes catch on something else. 

And hours become days and days become years, you could burn down this town if they made matches from fear
But you're no worse off than anybody else
Hey, don't you even know, don't you even know yourself?

So you're standing outside your high school door, the one you walked out of twenty years before
And you whisper to all of the girls, run, run, run...

I was stealing kisses from a boy, now I'm begging affection from a man in my house dress
Don't you know who I am?
Take a look at who I am...
 I'm stealing kisses

– F.H.

"There's more out on the screened patio. I believe there's some from Kenny Rogers out there." She suggests, as I reluctantly pull my eyes away from the lyrics. I walk with my drink outside, hearing the cicadas scream as the humidity strikes. I look out at the view, watching the sun start to set on the water. 

"Oh kiss me baby..." I hear a voice hum quietly, making me feel chills. For a moment, I wonder if it's in my head, before I turn to see a blonde hair girl, sitting at the table on the far end, her head in a notebook. I watch her for a moment, ready for her to vanish like a mirage. Her eyes drift across the page, before her head tilts up. Her gaze then sets onto me. I hear her gasp under her breath, her eyes welling. "Tim?" She croaks, the sound of her voice saying my name sounding sweet in the lake-side air. She rises, awkwardly standing as neither of us knows how to approach the other. I decide to take the risk, walking toward her. She walks toward me too, picking up her speed as she grows closer. 

I embrace her, feeling her melt into my arms. Her arms wrap around my neck, clinging to me as I pull her in close. She pulls back far enough to look at me, before slowly backing away. She takes a moment to catch her bearings before laughing to herself. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks, seeming to be in disbelief. I can't say she's the only one. 

"I stopped in for a beer." I say, as she smiles brightly, nodding as I look back at her table. A glass of iced tea sits beside her lyrics. "Can I buy you a drink?" I question as she nods, her smile emanating a heart-stopping glow. 

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