Chapter 20 (Five Years Later)

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Tim POV: 

She engulfs me like a tidal wave, crashing down on me with a smile as her warm touch travels to my cheek. We move in sync, her chest pumping violently as she sits up, resting her hands on my chest. She vibrates, trembling so hard she numbs me. Something strikes her differently, causing her to bow back, digging her nails into my stomach as her jaw drops. She then arches toward me, breathing me in like nicotine. She collapses into me, kissing me with her cherry-stained lips. 

I jolt awake, staring up at the ceiling as I try to catch my breath. I know when I turn my head, it won't be the girl in my dreams beside me. Instead, I turn in the opposite direction, staring at the sun forcing its way through the window. A hand rests on my shoulder, making me flinch. 

"Babe, it's nearly eleven." Kris says gently, as I sigh. I glance over to see she's fully dressed, sitting in bed with a book and a coffee. "We have the Grammy's tonight. Rob called and said our flight leaves at one." She informs me, while I slip out of bed. I walk to the sink, splashing my face a few times before looking at the bags under my eyes. The makeup team is going to have a blast putting me together tonight. I grab a bag out of the closet, rubbing my eyes as I start to pack my things. "I already packed your bag." Kristine adds, as I glance up at her. I force a smile and toss my bag back into the closet. 

"What would I do without you?" I say, leaning over and giving her a kiss. I start downstairs, eager for coffee, before I notice Grant outside, hitting baseballs into the field beyond the house. I watch him for a moment, before walking out to meet him. "If you hit it low, in that direction, then you're going to end up with a ground into double play." I let out, approaching him as he stops and turns toward me. "You're hitting directly toward where a basemen would be. Try turning a little." I guide, grabbing the bucket and walking out the proper pitching distance. I pitch to him, watching him slam it deep into the field. "That's what I'm talking about!" I say, as he smiles proudly. I pitch a few more, before the backdoor opens. 

"Babe, Betty's here. We've gotta go." Kris shouts as Mom walks out behind her. Grant and I walk toward the house. 

"If you keep practicing, I think you could hit a home run by the start of next season." I say, watching Grant grin. 

"You think so?" He asks, while I nod. Kris rushes up to him, stealing a hug before he can decline. 

"Love you, baby. Be good." She says, kissing the top of his head. He wipes it away, in a cootie phase. I give him a hug as well, before grabbing Kris' bags and starting toward the door. 

I sit backstage, reading over my lyrics one more time as Kris talks to some of the girls from the public relations team. She glances over at me, clearing her throat dramatically. I look up at her noticing her glare. 

"Babe, are you really starting already?" She critiques, motioning toward the glass of scotch in my hand. I shrug, looking back at the lyrics. She rolls her eyes, before returning to her conversation. I take a large drink, mumbling the words to myself before looking at the clock. I have a lot of time on my hands. I throw back the rest of the drink, before looking for the rest of the bottle. It's gone. 

"I'm going on a walk." I lie, as Kris simply nods, knowing there no use in arguing. Things with her are so hot and cold, either one of us can start a fight at any given moment. I search the halls for a bar that may have something to drown myself in before going on stage. I see signs for a green room around the corner, rushing toward it as if it were water in the desert. "Johnny Walker Blue neat." I let out, hearing the deafening swirl of conversations in the room. The bartender hands me a glass of whiskey, as I toss it back, motioning for another. He stares at me in astonishment, before cautiously pouring another. 

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