Chapter 6 - Nothing Left To Chance

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As I sat there stunned beyond belief, a question formed in my mind. How did Jennie get the love potion into my soda if she was sitting at the opposite end of the table? She was never near me.

I suddenly turned to look at Irene, who was sitting next to me. She quickly made a nervous smile.

"Unnie." I said with narrowed eyes.

Her nervous smile turned into a grin. "She really does love you. She even got the tattoo, last night at the carnival to prove it."

The look of betrayal on my face must have been evident, as she quickly defended herself.

"Hey, it's only fair. I didn't say nothing when you did it to Jennie and I...". She said, before I cut her off.

"But you put it in my drink. That's not fair at all." I whined.

Jennie spoke up. "I overhead your little pow wow with the gypsy girl yesterday. After school, Irene and I had a long talk about things she should and should not do. So in exchange for my forgiveness, she switched sides. I also threatened to throw Ms. Rabbit into my father's wood chipper."

Hanbin, Seulgi, Jisoo and Lisa, just gave each other very puzzled looks. None of them had even the slightest idea what was going on.

"She didn't think I would at first, so Ms. Bear had a terrible accident. Apparently stuffed bear and wood chippers don't get along well." Jennie said with a devilishly smirk.

I then looked at Jennie, who seemed to be looking prettier by the second, in horror.

"Get off it Park, I won her a replacement for Ms. Bear at the fair last night," Jennie said with a shrug. "That's also where I paid a nice visit to the gypsy. She initially didn't want to sell me the love potion, but I told her if she didn't bad things would happen. I guess she believed me."

Third point of view hihihi halloooo aym back~

Chaeyoung looked at Jennie again. The devil of a woman was like a magnet, Chaeyoung couldn't look away. But part of her mind thought, What if I avoid her for 25 minutes, she'll hate me for real. Then she won't let me near her. After 24 hours I'll be fine.

A panicked look suddenly formed on Chaeyoung's face. She quickly got up and ran towards the school.

"What was that all about?" Asked Lisa.

Jennie got up and smiled. "Oh, that's Chaeyoung trying to escape my external love. She's not going to."

Jennie then looked at Hanbin with a sad look. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to break up with you."

Hanbin looked hurt. "Why?"

"This is going to sound like a total line, but it's not you, it's me. First of all , I'm gay now and second, I'm insanely in love with Chaeyoung. But it would be unfair to leave you empty handed."

Jennie whistled loudly, attracting the attention of the crowd. "Attention ladies!" She shouted, "I have broken up with Hanbin, who I might add is an animal in bed. So, he's fair game. Thank you. That will be all."

Hanbin looked a bit surprised at the announcement. A moment later, Hanbin suddenly became aware of about 30 sets of female eyes upon him. "Uh...thanks, I guess."

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