Snowmoon Pack

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With that note left in the bed, I left for North. The path wasn't simple, it was very scary and frightening. At some point, I regret leaving my parents and fighting here with my dead.

There were so many wild animals, deep dense Jungle and a freezing cold weather. I was walking in a snow for nearly a week and still I couldn't see any sign of peoples.

I start feeling panicking and scared that I might die in North without seeing my parents and Aiden. I didn't have any food left neither there is any shops where I can buy it.
I didn't have much energy left in my body to move forward in this cold. My face was frozen like an ice and my lips were cracking and bleeding. I feel like closing my eyes and collapse but I didn't came here to die.
I was shivering in cold when I see 2 large black wolves walking towards me. They were too large to be called werewolves. I didn't know who where they but still I bow them to show some respect.

They both then shifted back to a handsome mans and smile at me.

'Hello Beautiful, how come you here in our territory?' one man said

I can't talk so I replied back him saying I came here to meet the beautiful lady of my dreams. They nod and told me that I am welcome to their Snow Moon Pack.

I am still confused that how could they understand me? I mean normally it will take so long time for a person to understand my sign language.

One man just asked me to follow him and I was taken to a palace. I mean it's such a beautiful snow palace same like my fairy tale dreams.
'Welcome to our place Ana' One lady said to me who was the beauty of queen.

She was so beautiful with a golden hair. She has so sweet voice and deep yellow eyes.
'Ana, dear don't be scared of anything in this place. You are our special guest and if you need anything then please feel free to ask. By the way, my name is Elsa' she said

I bow my head to thank her for this hospitality and warm welcome. I was shocked how did she know my name? But who cares? She was so kind and nice to me.

Elsa then left the place asking those two guys to take care of me. They both introduce themselves as Dorian and Winston. I saw a slim lady with a red hair smiling at me but I didn't know her name.

I was asked to stay in a beautiful room made out of glasses and snow. It feels like a fairy tale dreams to see everything in reality. Dorian told me to get ready for tonight function and hand me a white gown.

I got ready with a white gown when Winston came to my room telling me it's time to go. The most surprising thing is that after I came to Snow Moon Pack, I didn't feel any pain in my chest.

Winston and I went downstairs where nearly 50 pack members were waiting for me. Elsa introduce me to everyone and asked me whether I need anything else?

I just nod 'I am fine thank you'. Everyone was so nice and friendly with a good sense of humour. Elsa told me that she is the Protector of North and without Moon goddess permission no one can ever enter this kingdom.
She even told me that Moon Goddess is coming down tonight to meet her pack. Snow Moon Pack was once ruled by Moon Goddess herself and only special people have got permission to stay.

We all enjoyed eating dinner and smiling while Elsa told us to prepare for the welcome ceremony of Moon Goddess.

I was eagerly waiting for Moon Goddess arrival, she then suddenly appears shining like a twinkling stars. She was the same beautiful lady from my dreams. We all bow her with respect when she came closer to me and said.
'Ana, my child, I am so sorry that you have to struggle a lot in your life. I never wanted to hurt my beautiful grandchild but believe me I had no other choice dear. I have been watching you since you were born then till today' she said

We all were surprise to hear her and there was pin dropped silent.
'Your mom died due to the grief of your missing and your dad was killed by Alpha Morgen 'Dark Blood Pack' from South because he wants to rule north. Morgen has a huge power and he can use black magic to controls other people soul.' She paused for a while then continues

'In order to protect you my child, I blocked all your power and create a barrier in North where no one can enter without my permission. Once Morgen find out that you were of no use to him, he throws you away in the river where your fake parents found you.'

'Ana, You are the most luckiest and beautiful child of the entire world dear. You might not know that you always bring good luck to others. I mean when you were adopted by your fake parents then after 5 years they had their own daughter and they don't want any dump child as their daughter so they left you in jungle to die.'

'You were then adopted by your recent parents who were also blessed with a child (Your brother Aiden) once they adopt you. You are very special my little child and we all loved you a lot. This North is your kingdom and you are the ruler of this kingdom'

'I asked Elsa to protect north till you returned back to rule. She will be your 1st in command and your right hand. Please meet Dorian and Winston who are the great warriors and fighter of this Pack. They both are black wolves and are very powerful (Dorian can use Ice/water whereas Winston can use Wind/Air). Please meet Bella who is only the fire (Red) wolf of this pack and Elsa is the lighting Queen'
'Ana, they are all your supporter and will happily sacrifice their life to protect you. Therefore, you need to be careful dear while making your decision. It's not easy to win against Morgen. You'll need Earth Power to complete your revenge.'

'There are total of 5 strongest powers (Fire, Water, Lighting, Wind and Earth) in this entire universe. You'll find Earth power in South but I am also not sure who has got it. It'll be very difficult to find this power since we live in earth and this is its hometown which makes it easily blended with any other earth elements'
'My child, I'll now unlock your power which will help you sense these powers but you will have to stay in North until you can finish the training with your friends. Your supporters will teach you to master their each elements.'
'And at last dear, let me tell you the most important thing, you cannot cut one element with another. I.e. fire can only be cut by fire, it can't be cut by water or wind. Be careful my child, my blessing are with you. This world needs a peace and a Queen' she said and unlocked my power

I started feeling pain in my body and hear some bones cracking noise until few minutes when it stopped. I stand in my 4 paws and everyone in front of me bows their respect.
I can see my white paws but I can't completely see the colour of my wolf. Dorian quickly made a water mirror for me where I saw my pure snow white wolf.

I was surprise to see my own wolf so beautiful, I mean I am in love with my own wolf. I then shifted back to human form which gave me more heart-attack.

My hair colour changed to White and golden highlight, my body changed to a perfect curve, my skin is pure white and the most important thing is that I can speak.

Everyone is gasping in the hall praising my beauty and I couldn't even recognised myself. I look similar my grandma (Moon goddess) but with golden eyes where as my grandma has blue eyes.

My grandma kissed me and she disappeared. Everyone respect me like a queen but I told them that I wanted to be their friends rather than a queen.

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