Being a Luna

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'Ana, I can't believe that you are so funny and fun loving person' Eden said
'Of course I am Eden' I said
'How did you manage to change that Rude Alpha?' he said
'He said he can do anything for me. So, I asked him to keep his ego and pride aside if he wants me' I said
'Wow, you are amazing Luna. I haven't ever think in my dreams that happiness will surround like this Blood Moon Pack' Xin said (Eden mate)
'Of course it will Xin and just look what I'll do to your Alpha. Pack house needs to be like a family not the ruling kingdom. I want all of you to love me and Xavier not due to fear but with your heart' I said
'We do love you Ana and you complete our family. You are the Angel from the heaven making our Xavier life full of colour' Eden said happily
'Should we prank then?' I said
'What? Wait No, Xavier will be furious' Eden said
'He can't do anything you know' Bella said
'Yes, let's prank him and his team' Xin said making Eden blank
We all then started to think while I had an idea of putting the pain jar in the tip of door so that whenever he enter the room, then paint will fall over him. Ha-ha
Everyone agreed with me and I asked Bella to throw pain on Nima (Alex mate) whereas other to work out for Alex since he is gentleman but not always while we are the pranking master.
I mind-link Xavier saying that I fell down from the ladder while painting the celling. He seems worried and quickly came rushing from the door without thinking anything then the prank starts.
I laugh out loud when the pain jar hits Xavier from head to toe.
'What the hell? What's this Ana?' he said
'That's a payback you did to me 2 days ago putting paints on my cloth' I said smiling
'Oh no, my eyes. Ouch, it is hurting baby, I think pain went inside it making me blind' he said touching his eyes making me panic
I quickly ran towards him when he grabbed my hips and pulled me against his muscular body full of paint rubbing his paint over me.
'Stupid, what are you doing? Just let me see your eyes' I said making him laugh
'You again fall for me baby' he said teasingly
'That's so unfair stupid, I hate you' I said
'Everything is fair in love and war baby and I love you too' he said
It's been 2 week we are in his pack house and everything changed. I mean the first day we meet was so formal and now it's dramatically opposite. Every pack members started to laugh, sing and enjoy their room.
They started showing their love and care towards us. They don't respect us due to their fear but now they respect us because they love their Alpha and Luna. Children loves dancing and playing games which I asked my team to build a children playgroup especially for them.
I love every little bits of his pack. Xavier is more like a happier Cheeky Alpha rather than that old rude Alpha. His Beta and Gamma are also smiling and supporting us. I made a good friends in his pack teaching them to be monkeys like us. Ha-ha
'Thank you for everything baby' Xavier said
'You don't have to thank me Stupid' I said
'No Ana, let me speak, you are the most beautiful girl and a mate of my life. I really want to thank you for making my life beautiful. I can't imagine how my life will be without you'
'You truly are a queen of beauty from both from inside and out like everyone says. You never partial among the pack members instead you love them like your own family. I can't believe that my pack loves you so much in short period of time which in years I haven't got in my life.'
'Baby, they loves you and respects you with their heart and soul. I cannot have any other words to thank you for everything you have done to me and my pack. You are their best Luna which makes me proud every time I see you' he said with full of truth and love in his eyes
'Xavier you too are a true king and the Alpha. It's just that you have gone through so much sadness in your life that you forget the true meaning of happiness. I always knew that you were never that bad but the situation made you like that. I am happy that I became a little help making your life bright' I said
'You are not a little help baby, you are my reason the live' he said
'And you are my sunshine' I said smiling
'I love you baby' he said
'I love you too' I said making his shock
'What did you say just now?' he quickly said
'I hate you stupid' I said teasingly
'Ok fine then I love you too' he said
I was dancing happily with the children when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my lower abdominal. I was sweating with a pain just trying to control it but I failed.
'Luna, what happened to you?' one little girl said
'Nothing sweetie, it's just a little pain' I said holding my stomach
'No Luna, you look so hurt. I will tell Alpha' one little boy said running out of the dance class
I couldn't remember how long I screamed in pain and fainted but when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a bed next to Xavier half naked.
What? Xavier and me? I mean he did mark me but we never slept together. He always respect my feelings since I want to take this relationship slowly but? Did anything happened between us? I think in my head not because I was angry if anything happens but I want to feel him my first time.
Sometimes I do feel that I was being selfish over him by not letting him come near me but he never complained. I have heard that Alpha will always have strong desire to have their heir and it's really hard for them to control their feelings but I feel lucky that he always choose me over anything.
I don't care what happened between us when I was unconscious but all I care is to be with him the rest of my life. I was looking at his sexy body when I heard him 'Sorry baby, I didn't mean to be with you like this but you were on heat so I am here' he said with low voice
'Don't worry, I am not angry with you. It's just that this time the heat was very strong for me to control' I said
'I know baby, I can feel your pain all over my body. I didn't have any idea but when Alex told me its your heat then I carry you into my room' he said
'It's ok stupid' I said which made him relief

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