Meeting with Bastard Morgan

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Continue Xavier POV:
It's been nearly 3 months, I have been trying her but she doesn't even care for me. I am not someone who can easily give up so, I'll keep on trying her. I was thinking of her when I heard some screaming voice from the ground in front of our Pack University.
What surprise me was a Morgan standing in front of everyone. I didn't see Ana and her team which gave me relief thinking she is safe but what happens next was shocking. I was standing in the balcony of the university building while the dramas was taking place in ground.
'Who the hell are you? Leave them all' my mate said
'I am Morgan and I am here for Queen of North. Stay away from me you little girl unless you want your dead' Morgan said
'You bastard Morgan, how dare you talk like that about our queen' Bella said (red hair girl)
'Queen? You guys are from North?' Morgan said
I was confused hearing them talking about Queen of North. Who is she? My mom told me to protect my power for her until she returns back her Kingdom. I need to find out the Queen and meet her.
'Yes we are from North and we are all here to kill you' Dorian said
'You can't even move an inch of my hair you weak fellow' Morgan said
'You will see it' Winston said and used his power.
I mean Winston has a wind power, he used tornado with his power whereas Dorian joined him with the Ice/water power. Wow, it was so cool to see such a great powers. Bella quickly throws her fire ball which was amazing. My mate was looking at them calmly.
Morgan flash their power just at one blow. It was like nothing for him and he attack them in returned with his power which was greater than theirs. I was scared that he'll kill everyone and blow down this building but nothing like that happened.
Ana (my mate) create a healing surface among all of these people and building making his power absorbed onto hers. She was looking so angry and pissed off. Morgan was shocked to see his power gone wasted.
'Who are you little girl?' Morgan said
'I am the Queen of North Anastasia' she said
I was speechless hearing Ana saying those words. Queen of North was my mate, Ana was the great beauty queen that everyone admires. I felt so happy knowing about her and seeing her protecting everyone like a true Queen. My wolf is howling in happiness saying our mate is our Queen.
'Ha-Ha, you little girl is a Queen of North' Morgan laugh
'Don't you dare laugh at me bastard otherwise I swear the consequences won't be great. I'll kill you the same way you killed my parents.' She said with so much hatred
I can now feel my mate, my Ana about ignoring me. She has got so much pain and hatred inside her heart full of loneliness. It's not only for me but it's from all her past. Ana I am sorry for being bad mate. I said myself
'I didn't knew that King Hilton has got this much beautiful daughter. I thought of killing you at first but now I changed my mind, I'll make you my queen and we both can rule together' Morgan said
This really pissed me off hearing that Morgan. Ana is mine and only mine, he can't have what's mine. I will kill him before he takes her. So, I jumped down the building in front of Ana and said 'Don't you dare think of taking her away from me Morgan. She is mine' I said
'Alpha Xavier, you know you can't do anything to me' he said laughing
'I can do everything to you, did you forget that I killed my own dad and kicked you out of my territory' I said
'You kicked me out of your territory? Ha-ha, are you fool making me laugh Xavier. Just to clear your doubt, I was there in  your territory only for your mother who had the earth power and that she is dead, so there is no point for me to peak on your pack so I left it' he said laughing
'You'll pay for my mother's dead and for hurting my mate. I'll kill you with my own hands' I said
'Stop Xavier, please don't risk your life. Don't be fool and stop acting cool. You don't have to risk your life into this dangerous fight' my mate said
'Don't worry Ana, as I told you earlier, I'll proof my love for you and I'll always protect you even if it cost my life' I said
'Xavier please you don't have to proof anything. I don't want you to die because of me. Just leave and I've already forgiven you.' She said
'Ana, please this is not the time to talk. You must run away from here till I hold this beast and remember that I had always love you and I will always love you forever' I said
'Wow, 2 little lovers trying to protect each other. What a great sacrificing love? It'll be more interesting to see you die' Morgan said looking at me
'Shut up you bastard' I said loudly and build a wall cage against him with my earth power.
'You are the Earth element? You can use earth power?' Ana said in surprise
'Yes baby, I am the earth element and the one who loves you without caring his life' I said with a smirk
'Idiot stop smirking and tell me why you didn't tell me earlier' Ana said which I find sweet
'Because you never asked me Queen of North' I said teasingly
'I HATE YOU' she said
'Thank you, I LOVE YOU too' I said making her angry
'I didn't say that and I will never say it' she said
'We'll see it baby' I replied her
I can see Morgan breaking my earth wall, so I quickly told Ana to run while she didn't listen to me. Why does she has to be so much stubborn? Even more than me?
'Ana, I said run and get away from here' I said
'No, I won't and keep your mouth shut' she said
'Winston and Bella use your new power combined together. Dorian quickly freeze the panel and I'll attack it from top. Xavier please make sure to hold him little longer' she said
'Got it' we all replied at once
We all used our full power and hunt down that Morgan on his knees. Morgan seems terrible and doesn't look like he has got any power to fight. I can see his face skin separating away and his body slowly fading away but what happens next was unexpected.
Morgan used his teleport power to run but before he disappear he throws the thunder sharp blade towards Ana who was healing Bella since she has got the worst wound among us all.
Ana hasn't got any idea what was coming on her way and I can't see my mate dying in front of my eyes. So I quickly run towards her pushing her away letting that thunder power hit my body. I couldn't remember anything after that and I blank out.
End of POV

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