Asking for forgiveness

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Alpha Xavier POV continues:
After I meet with my mate (Ana) I became happier and left Claire. She was crying but I didn't care about her since I am a heartless Alpha. I normally think about my mate (Ana) and it always keep smile on my face.
My beta Alex and gamma Eden did ask me the reason behind my smile but I just ignore them. They both are my friends but not as closely as they could tease me. I will now have to make plans to impress and apologies her for everything I had done to her.
I have warned every boys in the school to stay away from Ana which they all agree due to their fears. I did even try to use my power to smell and sense Ana or her friends but it was pointless. I mean I can't track them anywhere but how? How can this be possible?
I did try few times to talk with Ana but every time she ignores and rejects me. I know I was the person who always ignore or reject other people but now I realised how it feels to be ignored or rejected. Ana made me like a lost puppy always running after her.
Who could have ever thought that Alpha Xavier will fall for this girl and will love her beyond anything even more than his pride and guts?
Ana was my life, my mate and everything. I can never hurt her again and if ever in my life I get chance to do something for her then I'll happily do it without hesitating or even sacrifice my life to protect her. She means world to me and I want her back in my life. I can do anything to have her back.
It was after the history lecture when I saw Ana standing alone in the balcony without those 2 boys, then I quickly grabbed her hand and pull her towards the corner.
'Leave me alone, what the hell you doing' she said
'Ana, please listen to me baby, I am truly sorry and I'll apologies for all my sins. Please forgive me, I love you' I said
'Alpha Xavier, look I don't have anything to do with you. So, leave me alone' she said
'Ana, I love you baby please I want you back in my life' I said
'I don't care about your life and everything. Just don't bother me and go after your new mate otherwise I'll kill you' she said
'I'll be more than happy to be killed by you beautiful hands rather than stay like this. Please Ana, forgive me' I said
'I am no one to forgive you Alpha Xavier and please don't waste your time' she said
'You think I am wasting my time? What's wrong with you? Don't you dare talk like that, I want you and you are only mine' I said bit seriously as I was getting angry
'I'll never want you in my life even if I have to die. You were so selfish, so mean and rude Xavier. You know what? I was weak, dump and can't shift so you rejected me and now I am strong and self-depended so you want me back?' she said angrily
'No, that's not true. I mean yes I rejected you at first but after I reject you, I did realise that I made a huge mistake. Please Ana understand me, I don't want you to be back because you can talk or you became beautiful strong lady but I want you to be back because you are my other half. You are my life, my first love and my mate. I can do anything for you and I can even proof my love to you' I said
'Ok then proof it but don't interfere in my life' she said and angrily pushed me away.
I feel sad and angry looking at her but I can't show my devil emotions. I need to be good, gentle and calm person to gain her back.
I kind of started to like her every little ignorance behaviour and her angriness. It looks so cute on her innocent face. If it was some other people trying to do like that then I swear I could have already killed them but now when it's my mate Ana, I don't have any guts lefts inside me.

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