Deutche, Amerikan, both... or neither?

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As U-505 walked with Yoizuki to the dining room for dinner, several ships looked in confusion at the very German and Very Male person in an American navy uniform.

Pensacola: "Hey, who's the Kraut, and why's he in our uniform?"

Batfish: "Hmm... I think that's U-505... never expected him to answer the call to arms..."

U-505: "Gut- er, good evening, everyvone, ich Am U-505, U-Bo- er, Submarine of the American navy. In case du are vondering, I vas captured at sea on June 4th, 1944. I vas a museum ship in Illinois... until I vasn't..."

Pennsylvania: "so, your telling me, you are a U-boat... serving with America...?"

U-505: "Ja, Fräulein, das ist correct."

Penn: "hm. What's your opinion on the Nazis?"

U-505: "Horrible. Zhey had nicht right nor reazon to do anyzing zhey did. Und 'Herr' Hitler can rot und roast in hollë vhere he belongs."

Penn: "Hmph. Well said, Kraut."

U-505: "Bitte, do nicht call me zhat..."

Penn: "I don't speak German, in English please?"

U-505: "Do nicht call me zhat, please..."

Penn: "haaaa... fine... I'll call you Fritz, better?"

U-505: "better zhen calling me after Boiled cabbage..."

West Virginia: "wait, Sauerkraut is boiled cabbage? I thought it was a dessert!"

U-505: "nein, du are thinking of Schnitzel, fräu Vest Virginia..."

Weevee: "aah, thanks. I don't know much about Germany, so..."

Tirpitz: "Betrachten Sie sich als Deutscher oder Amerikaner?"

U-505: "Warum nicht beide? Deutsche Amerikaner existieren und sind eigentlich recht verbreitet..."

Saratoga: "What was that all about?"

Prinz Eugen: "Tirpitz asked if he saw himself as German or American, and he said Both."

Saratoga: "Ah, ok. Thanks."

After introductions, Enterprise lead U-505, affectionately called Fritz, to the American dorms, where he was roomed with three U.S Subs, Batfish, Cavalla, and Crevalle, all three also being former museum ships, and so already knowing each other. And so the first day ended.

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