A Battle of Nationality

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As the second day dawned, U-505 was the first One in the room to wake up. He got dressed, made his bed, and got prepared, before going to the mess hall for breakfast. On the way there, he met U-69...

U-69: "Well, if it isn't the worst ship in the Kriegsmarine... and a traitor at that!"

U-505: "Geh weg, U-69. Wenn du dich gekannt hättest, wenn du die Hälfte des Schadens genommen hättest, den ich angerichtet habe, hättest du aufgegeben und bist gesunken. Die Tatsache, dass ich es nach Hause geschafft habe, zeigt, wie viel besser meine Crew war und ich es trotzdem geschafft habe, Dinge zu versenken."(Go away, U-69. knowing you, if you had taken half the damage i did, You'd have given up and sunk. the fact i made it home shows how much better my crew was, and i still managed to sink things.)

U-69: "Du may have made it home, but your skipper didn't."

U-505 stopped and gave U-69 a glare that would scare an Abyssal.

U-505: "Sprechen Sie noch einmal so über Zschech, und ich werde Sie wieder versenken, Sie nutzloser, alter, veralteter Schrotteimer!"(Talk about Zschech like that again, and i will sink you again, You useless, Old, Obsolete bucket of scrap!)

U-69, scared, went to punch U-505, but the punch was blocked by Cavalla, as she, Crevalle and Batfish surrounded U-69.

Crevalle: "You just ducked up, Kraut..."
Batfish: "...Bad..."(Batfish doesn't talk much)
Cavalla: *Punches her palm* "Oh boy. You just made a big mistake, attacking one of our Wolfpack... Congratulations, Kraut. You just made an enemy..."
*Camera pans to show a lot of very angry American submarines*
"...Of the entire American Silent Service!"

U-69, after crapping her pants, began, very sensibly, running away. Darter and Dace began to give chase, as the rest headed towards the mess hall.

U-505: "Vielen Danke, mien Freunds, you quite possibly saved me from quite a pounding..."

Tang: "Thats what friends are for! Your one of us, Built in America or not!"

The other U.S. Subs nodded and grunted in agreement, and they continued walking...

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