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°•Estonia's POV•°

I stood there in the benches, holding back my tears as the others cheered, including two of my siblings Latvia and Lithuania, clapping and repeating the phrase "Say yes!" Over and over again while I continued to ask myself "Why? Why did I ever fall for a person that obviously cant remember all the things we used to do together" I started silently tear up, I could feel the flowers coming up my throat, I quickly covered my mouth using my hands while running, running from the people whom I am very close with but failed to know the pain I'm going through and the person I love but he failed to notice my feelings towards him.

I ran and ran until I reached the hill, the hill where me and him had our last moment together, watching the sunset while sitting down on the grass and holding hands. I sighed while remembering the memories. I sat down on the now snowy landscape while coughing up the flowers, lily of the valley, I looked at the flowers that had blood on them, staining the white virgin snow with its red color. I sighed once more before collapsing on the ground but still coughing up more flowers and blood.

Time skip with your author,  Kris

*+Finland's POV+*

Ireland (I just saw a post about them together so..........  revenge!!!!!)  just confessed to me by figure skating and the help of Japan, ofcourse I skated towards, she looked nervous I looked at her with my usual emotionless face, she was wearing a sweater with my flag on it and a pair of jeans. "So will you be my boyfriend"I looked at my surroundings and people we're either squeeling or cheering but for some reason my attention turned towards Estonia, I always seem to notice her no matter how big the crowd was, she stood up from her seat and ran "Weird"I thought to myself, I turned towards to Ireland, now peoples let we're just saying "Say yes" I just sighed and looked at her in the eyes, my ice blue eyes met her clover green eyes. "No." Everyone fell silent, I could see her holding back her tears while Japan was walking up to me with a furious face "Why?!?!" I looked over to Japan and raised a brow "Why, what?" She came closer and gave me a glare "Why would you reject her?  she is an amazing person" I glanced over to Ireland who is now crying and looked back at Japan "I don't like her, I like someone else" Japan raised a brow and stepped closer "Who then?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "Thats none of your buisness, now can you get of the ice, break time is almost over" Japan gave a huff and walked away whilst holding Irelands hand

I sighed but just continued to skate and then play the game but.....

I kept turning my head towards where Estonia sat earlier and I couldn't see her anymore 'maybe she switched seats?' I shrugged of the tought as I continued doing what I was doing

'~Latvia's POV~'

The game was over and we still haven't found Estonia and I heard that there was a blizzard coming later 'God where could have she have gone too?!?'

Me and Lithuania we're at the parking lot and I sorted Japan talked ng to the Nordics "Hey maybe Japan knows where she is, she knows everyone's interests, LITERALLY" Lithuania started to walk over to them as I closely followed behind "Hey Japan have you seen Esti? We haven't seen her since she left to go get a drink" Lithuania tapped her shoulder and gave her a worried look "Sorry no, but have you tried tracking her phone?" I face palmed, 'Ofcourse, why didn't we think of that' ma and Lithuania we're about to turn around until I felt a hand touching mine preventing me to go anywhere

Sorry if its short its because its already 1:00 am here soooo yeah

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