*+Meeting Again?+*

434 14 11

°•Estonia's POV•°

It's been a few days since I was hospitalized and unfortunately this girl named 'Philippine' (OwO) and has been taking care of me while I heal in the hospital.

It was any normal day, I was talking with Philip and she was telling ne what we're the events that happend while I was in here "Haha........ one of my close friends, Thailand told ASEAN that she has a boyfriend and you should have seen seen her face when she said that!" I couldn't help but giggle, I have never been this happy in a conversation with a friend because I only ever had 4 or 5 friends my whole life including Philip. I tuennover to her direction and gave her a small smile "What did Thailand do then?" I asked, still smiling "Oohhh........ What she did was unforgettable, she actually called ASEAN's boyfriend (Yes, ASEAN is a girl here UwU) and told him that ASEAN wasn't a virgin anymore and when ASEAN found out she called Thailand's boyfriend and told him the same!" She immidiently started laughing and I did the same and as we we're still laughing, 2 minutes later the door suddenly swung open and the doctor from a few days ago walked in and apperantly he still had that emotionless face of  his and was holding his usual clipboard and stood next to the bed I was sitting on "Ms. Estonia you are able to leave the hospital tommorow morning, all you need to do is get you guardian or family member" I nodded as a response and looked at Philip and gave me a quick nod. I then looked at the doctor and gave him a smile "Uuhhh..... Is it possible that I can leave this afternoon?" I rubbed the back of my neck, showing that I was nervous to ask him that question, he only sighed and gave me a nod "I'll go get the papers then" he pointed towards the door and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. I couldn't help but smile, I can finally get out of this place but that smile quickly turned into a frown because I remembered that  when I return I will have to see HIM again and I will surely get this stupid hanahaki again, my friend Philip noticed my behavior and patted my back "You don't got a place to stay?" I looked at her in confusion I mean I do have my own place but I just don't want to see him again so I only nodded my head "Its okay, you can stay with me and my sibling's if you want" she gave me her signature smile, she really was a true friend "Thanks Philip" I hugged her which she returned back

The doctor came back with the papers 'way the ruin a beautiful friendship hug' I thought, he handed them to Philip wich she signed with her signature, I got up from my bed and proceeded to walk over to the bathroom because that was where my clothes were. I put on my oversized sweater that had cute pins attached to it, a black skirt, white shoes with white knee high socks and I can't forget about my scarf and bow, I walked out of the bathroom and found that Philip was the only one in the room, I guess the doctor already left, Philip stood up from where she was sitting and walked up to me "You ready to go?" I hesitated a little but ended up nodding. We both headed out of the room and the hospital and went over to the parking lot where I saw Philip's siblings Martial Law and Del Pilar (Del is a boy while Martial or Marciel is a girl and yes Martial is a girl here get over it (sorry if I hurt your feelings)) waiting in the car I entered it and there was an awkward vibe once I was in it, Martial looked at Philip the at me "Are you guys ready?" I looked over at Philippine and she nodded at her brother "Yeah" I quietly responded, the car started to drive out of the hospital and into the highway. I looked outside the window and started to think but ended up slowly drifting off to sleep

After a year living with the Filipino siblings ^w^

I woke up from my bed feeling re freshed, I looked out side of the window. I still couldn't believe that it has been a year already. I walked out of my room and headed straight for downstairs and into the kitchen, not caring that I haven't brushed my hair nor change into decent clothes.

I enter to the kitchen and smelled something delicious "Mmmmm what's that smell?" I continued to sniff around the kitchen, trying to find out want that delicious aroma was, Del let out a small chuckle and proceeded to read the news paper "Its the bacon and eggs"  Philip let out a giggle as I went over to the table and sat down. I looked at my plate with 3 strips of bacon and 2 eggs, I thanked them for the meal and started to eat it.

As we we're all eating we were talking about college. I couldn't belive that we we're all talking about how are second year in World Country University would be like. I tried my best to avoid 'THEM' and even wore a disguise and a fake name. Me and the others are done eating we decided to shop for some new school supplies "You guys should get ready, we're going to the map soon to buy you guys some stuff" we all nodded in agreement, I stood up from my seat and put my plate in the sink and headed straight for my room  upstairs. I changed into an oversized light blue jacket that had kitty ears, light gray shorts and some white boots, and ofcourse my scarf.

After I finished changing I headed down downstairs and saw that all of them we're already ready. "Since everyone is here now let's go" Del opened the door and all of us went out, he then locked the th and headed over to the car. "You guys ready?" We all hummed as a response and now we proceeded to go to the mall, the drive was suprinsingly LOUD, they all listened tobmu and sang along while I just sat there watching them sing

+When the Gina Reached the mall+

Finally we reached the mall, me, Philip and Martial went out while Del just stayed in the car "Yo Del!, you coming?" I tapped the glass on the door of his side. He just shook his head and straight up left, 'Weird' I scratched my head while walking towards those two siblings "You guys do know that Del has a date?" Martial said while we we're walking inside the mall "What?!?!? With who?" Philip continued to repeatedly asked her twin sister as we were going towards she the school supplies were "Hey I'm going to where the art supplies are" I pointed towards the art section and they both replied with "Sure!"  in unison. I smiled and started to walk towards where the art materials we're

Once I reached there I immidiently put the things I needed like paint, brushes and other art stuff  that a student who is taking the Fine Arts course

As I was trying to trying a a certain paint, I glanced over to my right and saw outside of the shop that there we're my siblings Latvia and Lithuania and they we're hanging out with my old friends, Japan, Poland, Germany and South Korea but there were a few people with them. I squinted my eyes and adjusted adjusted glasses so I can see them better and saw the Nordics and HIM 'Oh no' they turned over to my direction and I quickly put on the hood of my jacket, after a few seconds I glanced over to them again and it looks like they didn't notice me 'Thank goodness' I let out a sigh of relief until suddenly someone pulled down my hood "Estonia why are you putting on your hood in doors, you look like you're hiding from something" I turned over to my side and saw Philip quitelu laughing but not in a mocking way "Shit" I cursed under my breath and started nervously sweat "Estonia is that you?" I heard a  voice say, I don't want to turn around, I really didn't "Est you know those guys?" Philip pointed towards the direction I really didn't want to look but in the end I did, I turned around and saw the faces of the people I was once close, well most of them, I then saw Finland........... the person I really didn't want to see. I let out a sigh and gave them a straight face "Hey..... " I sent a rather cold vibe while staring at them emotionlessly


Okay this chapter is finally done and I wanted to ask you guys who you ship ship these guys

Martial Law
Del Pilar

Who do you ship them with?

Also sorry if this chapter sucks QwQ

-From you lazy author

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