So sorry

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Okay, I won't be posting this week because we have to make a survey in math, have a long test on earth and environmental science tommorow, have to do an essay in cursive writing (my cursive suck) in english due on Monday and it has to be at least 16 paragraph, make a report on what you have learned in math since first period and 4th period, make a video on Saturday with groupmates and make a 3d model on how to prevent global warming and this is all due next week so I will try and post a chapter on Saturday next week

But I will continue writing without any problems (except if we go anywhere) because vacation is on April and May, YAAASSSSS!!!!!!!

If you guys are wondering, Summer Vacation here in the Philippines start on April and end on the end of May then go back to school on the fist week of June

Well, gotta make that essay now, bye guys

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