two✨ review

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I wasn't even five seconds out the door when someone ran into me.

    I fell ass first onto the ground and watched helplessly as my drugs fell through a nearby sewer grate.

   I turned towards the person who ran into me and put my hands up angrily,"Dude I just stole those!"

   I may have yelled it a little too loudly. Everyone turned towards us and I was just about to readjust the sunglasses that had fallen off my head and onto my face, into a proper position, until I saw a beautiful angel.

   The current cause of my frustration suddenly turned into infatuation when beautiful pink eyes stared into my own e/c ones.

   "I'm so sorry about th-," he began but I jumped up and grabbed his hands pulling his face close to my own. Gosh darn those eyes are beautiful.

   "Don't worry about it, I can always get some more, but if you're feeling really bad you can make it up to me~."

  "Of course u-um I was going to meet my boys at a coffee shop around the corner, i-if that's what you meant! If not-."

  "Coffee, yeah definitely, coffee, good substitute for drugs,let's go, angel!"

I grabbed his hand probably being a bit too grabby but I'm feeling a bit angsty.


Eep! I messed up!

  "Sorry, force of habit," yeah no not at all,more just,"around people like you."

   Ugh why do I have such loose lips all of a sudden.

    "Y-you know?"

What does that mean?

"That you're pretty handsome yeah."

  Might as well just roll with it.

"Oh! Right- wait me! Handsome! Ha, I'm looking at the better looking one of us cupcake," he turns his eyes away like he's shying away from the words he just said.

   I blush, not that I haven't been told before, but most of the time the compliment is actually a cat call. Flirting is nice but talking to a creepy pervert isn't.

  "What else could you be?"

His eyes suddenly stop wandering and he stares directly into mine.

  "Th- uh Giovanni, just Giovanni Potage."

Why does that name sound so familiar?

"Well Giovanni J. Giovanni Potage, I Y/n L/n still think you're very handsome."

"Likewise cupcake."

  "Thanks angel, now how about that coffee," I say tugging him in the direction of the nearest coffee shop," Geronimos right?"

   "You know it," he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm in and out of there all the time, I'm probably the only person in the world who has a tab at a café."

  "I'm there all the time too, now I'm just mad I didn't meet you sooner."

  "I on the other hand am glad, you probably wouldn't have approached me even if you saw me though."

  "I beautiful gal like you I'd pounce at the chance...okay maybe not the right word to use but I'd definitely be too interested to leave you be."

  I giggle but shake my head," Most of the time I'm in there I'm straight out of bed or just finished a huge pile of work or need to get one started, I look like I'm cosplaying as a tumbleweed. I don't think the barista has ever seen me wear anything but pajamas."

  "How close do you live to go in pajamas!?"

"Not close at all but im self employed I dress and work when I want. Lots of paperwork though."

   "Ah what I'd give to be my own boss, what do you do?"

  "Just you friendly neighborhood superhero and all."

  "Really!!? You're that vigilante that's been in the news?"

  Giovanni is very loud and over sharing so everyone looks at us without care and shock. I put a hand over Giovanni's mouth as he looks like he's about to say something else.

  "No, I'm not the vigilante, I was just joking Gio," I turn towards some people in the crowd and nod them off along their way as I continue along the street, still in hand with Giovanni.

   "Aw that would have been cool though," he whines, not gonna lie it's kinda cute.

  "Do you think a vigilante would just tell someone new their secret five minutes into a conversation," I laugh.

  "Ha yeah I guess not, I sure wouldn't," Giovanni seems despondent, distant even, as he starts to mumbled but suddenly perks up like a flower in spring," So what do you do?"

We've finally reach the front Geronimos and
stop at the front door, Giovanni's hand hovering over the handle but adamant to hear my answer.

   "I'm a-."

Before I could finish I hear the sound of skidding tires coming towards us to the right of us. My instincts kick in to save civilians first and then myself but before I get a chance Giovanni gathers me into his arms and leaps us both out of harm's way. The car crashes into Geronimos and Giovanni lands ontop of the car just as it stops.

   Giovanni puts me down but before I can thank him he rushed into the damaged building and for some reason I get pulled along with him. I look down, oh my Lord in heaven thank you for this beautiful amazing yet oblivious and innocent angel.

  He's still holding my hand.



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