six⭐ review

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The fluffy haired driver made a dart for his truck, jumping into the driver's seat.

Giovanni ran over to the truck as the driver tried starting the car," Car Crash what are you doing!"

"Boss come on she found us out she's gonna call the police."

I sighed. What the hell is going on.... Ugh who cares. The tires started spinning on the truck moving the rubble away and one thought came to my mind.

I whipped my gun out of the back of my black skinny jeans, the driver screamed, I hoped he would faint but instead he pressed on the gas harder.

"Y/n what are you-!"

I shot the tires without hesitation puting the gun back where it had came from.

"Put your hands up! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. In short get out of the car and on your knees, your being god damm arrested!"

The crowd of civilians I had just saved started to speak in hushed whispers:

"She's a cop!"
"Should we do something."
"Do you guys all have you b-."

It was hard to hear but it sounded like they said-

All at once gun were pulled on me,but not just any guns. Banzai Blasters.

"Blast, I see I've been cornered, well then," I put my hands up steadily. Not like I couldn't take a few hits from such a weak gun but with this many in one place, I couldn't miss my chance to arrest them.

"Wait! Wait! Boys put um' down," Giovanni stepped between me and the guns and a sudden weight fell upon my chest making it hard to breathe.

"Giovanni get out of the way I can handle this," I barked, this man I had just ran into was willing to taking not one, but several bullets for me. Could he be anymore of an angel?

Giovanni looked back at me a weary smile on his face, he stared into my eyes for a second until someone got his attention.

"But Boss, she knows who we are now!"

"Boss, get away from her she's a cop!"

"She's gonna arrest you!"

"Boss," I asked loosening my grip on my gun so much that I let it fall from my hands. How could this man - how could he - how could Giovanni?

Get a grip! You just met him!

Before the gun hit the ground I let one of my legs slip across the floor and caught the gun now in a crouching position aiming the gun at Giovanni.

"I said put your goddamm hands up!"

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I needed a transition I've been having so much writers block with this chapter. Finally finished tho.

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