three✨ review

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"He looked so cool running into a dangerous situation like that."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you're my therapist. That's your job, to listen to me. Duh."

"Really I thought it was just to get stolen from after listening to you complain for three hours."

"Hey! I pay you to listen to me!"

"This week's check please," Sylvie demands holding out his hand.

"......," I forgot it on my desk.

"That's what I thought."

"Will you just do your job?"

"I am, I asked you why you're telling me this. Usually you come to a therapist to rant, not talk about your love life. Friends are usually used for emotional confidants, this just adds further worry to your report."

"..You are my-."

"I. Am Not. Nor will I Ever be. YOUR friend. Or anyone else's for that matter."

"Oh so things didn't work out with that Milly chick."

"Her name is Molly!"

"So I'm wrong or-."

Sylvie sighs, finally takes his clipboard away from his face and into his lap.

"I-I don't know, I gave her my number to call me, she hasn't yet, I just felt - I felt like I wanted to know more about her, she seemed....nice."

I stared at Sylvie for awhile,mouth agape as he in turn stared akwardly at his clipboard. His eyes suddenly jolted up," Why are you looking at me like that!"

"Your so cute when you're being vulnerable...that sounded wrong."

"I got what you mean! And I am not cute!"

I jumped over the couch holding a resistant Sylvester in a hug hold," My boy is growing up, he may actually have a friend."

"I don't need friends, and what are you my mom?!"

"Would you like me to fix you quesadilla hunny?"

"No! Of course not.....," I stared him in the eyes for a few seconds until he broke," fine if you want but I'm not paying you."

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