Chapter 2: To Approach or Not to Approach

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I've carpooled with Vince every morning since he got his driver's licence. Of course, I can drive, but frankly, his car is more fuel efficient and saving money is always more important than personal safety. There's that and the fact that I reversed into a parked car a week after receiving my own licence and vowed to avoid driving where possible.

Vince is less than concerned about his driving skills, with one hand on the wheel and other adjusting his unbrushed hair in the rearview mirror. The light in front of us suddenly turns yellow and he steps on the gas pedal like his life depends on it. I grab onto the door handle and brace myself.

"Do you want to get us killed?"

He turns and smiles, before pointing to the rosary dangling from the rearview mirror. "No worries Carm, I took mom's advice and prayed before we left."

"Yeah, because Jesus just loves saving irresponsible eighteen year olds who run red lights for the adrenaline rush."

"It was yellow." He smirks and continues to drive twenty kilometres over the speed limit. "More importantly, who's the lucky guy?"


The next light turns red and he stomps on the brake so harshly that we both jolt forward. "Coleman?" His widened eyes grow even wider as I nod slowly in agreement. "Seriously bro? I mean, I know he's way out of your league and would reject you in a heartbeat but—"

I smack his arm. Hard.

He winces. "Ouch! What? It's true!"

The light turns green. "Go! You're holding up traffic."

Driving forward, he continues, "I wanted to say that asking him's a bad idea. He's a nice guy, really nice, super nice even. But he's also my friend and if he says no, he'll totally feel guilty about it. Then he'll keep asking me to say sorry to you and honestly, I don't wanna deal with that shit, man."

"Wow, how selfless of you."

We pull into the school parking lot just as the warning bell rings. He takes off his seatbelt and shrugs. "Fine. I'll deal with his self guilt. But don't actually get upset when he rejects you. He's not the dating type and I don't think he's the dance type either."

Getting out of the car, I hurl my backpack over one shoulder. "I'd be more upset if he agreed to this thing. His track record of girl rejection makes him the ideal candidate."

"Whatever. My end of the deal is sealed so if you flop on your end, that's not on me."

We walk over to the side doors, where a security guard stands watch. An older man, with a plump belly and blue eyes constantly narrowed at Vince, I like to call him Vince's favourite guard.

I smile at him. "Morning Herald."

"Good morning, Carmen," he greets.

"What a lovely day, ain't it, Herald?" says Vince with a devilish grin.

Herald's smile turns into a scowl and the corners of his eyes crinkle as he proceeds to stare at my cousin. "What are you sneaking in this time, Vincent?"

Vince feigns offence. "I brought alcohol to school once."

Herold grunts and I laugh. Vince is more or less a school delinquent. He has a history of sneaking in weed or beer or even a bottle of Vodka once. Little does Herald know that Vince is fancying vaping now, a hobby that I soon wish would end. He sighs, "Just don't let me catch you again. Principal's giving us heaps of paperwork now to prevent y'all from ruining the school's 'image'." Herold pulls on the door handles, letting us in.

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