Chapter 4: Graduation Formation

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Miraculously, the final week of school passes, and I still find myself confused. How and why did Brennan agree to this? Maybe he has an ulterior motive, I think to myself. No, but he's too nice.
It's amazing to see how the time could fly so fast.

After exams, it was prom, and now we're here at the graduation.The $90.00 that I spent on the prom ticket, and the extra money (too much to name) for the dress, really left me broke. Not that I regret going to prom, but let's just say it wasn't a fairytale night.

My friends and I just sat at the table of the banquet hall, hanging out like we usually do. The only difference was that we were in obnoxiously uncomfortable outfits and holding purses with no money in them. We could've hung out at home, with our sweats on and it would've been a fine, less expensive alternative.

Nonetheless, prom was as expected. There was dancing. We danced. Then we all sat down when the slow songs started to play because none of us had partners. So yeah. I did perform a wonderful interpretive dance though, only to poke fun at the fact that none of us were slow dancing.

It was kind of an enjoyable night with the girls. We would've seen Dean there too, but he came down with the stomach flu. Poor kid.

I saw Brennan there as well, but chose to avoid him at all costs. It's been days of me contemplating on how I can get him to back out of this fiasco, but nothing's been coming to me.

I know I said I shouldn't take this event from Lola Elina but I really really want to back out. I feel embarrassed every time he gets near me, which is why I haven't spoken to him since the morning of the English exam. This is the same reason why I had to run to the washroom every time he approached me at the prom.

However, he looked like he enjoyed himself. He accepted every request from each girl who asked him for a dance. It was kind of like witnessing the Cinderella story in third person. Something that I also realized was that he actually does have dancing abilities, translating to more embarrassment when he discovers that I can't dance.

Anyway, we have come to the point where I can no longer avoid him because I have to attend the graduation ceremony.

I take a seat on my assigned chair, smoothing down my black gown as I do so. Janine sits on my right, texting someone, while a dude that I don't recognize is half-asleep on my left. Half of the chairs are still empty, with more students funnelling in.

My eyes finally spot Brennan, who starts walking in my direction. I manage an awkward smile, and he waves. I continue to observe where he's headed, but he finally lands in the seat directly in front of mine. Like usual, he always ends up sitting in front of me.

He shifts, so that his arm lies on the chair backing, and faces me.

"So...I guess we're graduating," I begin. Definitely not the smoothest line in the book but that's all I got.

He just laughs, probably at my pathetic attempt at a non-awkward conversation starter. "I mean, I hope so. It would suck if we attended the ceremony only to not get a diploma."

I roll my eyes. "You're doing more than just graduating. You're going to win all of the special awards and everyone knows that you're already the Valedictorian." I sigh. If he wasn't such a good person, I wouldn't be able to control the envy I have for his talents.

God was generous when making this boy. I mean, very generous. The angels were probably doing something really distracting that God accidentally spilled everything good into one child.

Like usual, I was probably in line, right behind him and that's where things began to accelerate down a declining slope.

"Oh c'mon, I can't possibly win everything. I think you're over exaggerating Stella," he chuckles modestly, which causes me to grimace. It's even worse when the smart ones are humble because you can't hate on them.

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