Chapter 5: A Filipino Party

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I turn the key and unsurprisingly reveal a party that is already in full swing. Instinctively, I pull the door shut and turn around. Brennan gives me a confused look, to which I respond with an awkward laugh. Before I can say anything, Lola Elina charges through and opens the front door again.

Goodness, it is loud.

We step through the door frame, only to witness a house full of Filipinos who are having the time of their lives. Not only were they in our house before we could even get back, but they're definitely feeling at home.

I can't even say that I'm surprised about anything. The aroma of freshly cooked food circulates the premises and one of my uncles staggers across the room yelling something that I thank God Brennan doesn't understand.

I turn to look at him, thinking that he's completely weirded out, but he only stands there with a wide grin.

I decide against explaining the situation and instead blurt out, "Okay, so, you gotta take off your shoes..."

He looks down at his feet and slides his shoes off, placing them neatly in a corner, contrasting against the shoes that are piling up on the floor. I walk forward, "Well, welcome to-"

My introduction is cut short when I trip over the pile of shoes, heels, and sandals, and onto the wooden platform in front of me. Shit.

The sad thing is that I am not able to say that this is the first time that this has happened to me. The most dangerous thing about Filipino parties, or Asian parties in general, is the mound of shoes that will enable the ultimate death trap for people like me.

This time, it's only worse because, to my luck, I've been humiliated in front of the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my life.

I mean, what does this embarrassment have to do with me when I don't even like him in the first place? Nothing, absolutely nothing. However, I'd still like to keep my dignity intact.

"Stella, you okay?" he asks, crouching down.

I begin to push myself up when I am shoved back down by small children running over me, racing out the front door. This, this is where having a bunch of cousins gets you. With my face still pressed on the floor, I groan, "Fine. I am perfectly fine."

Brennan offers a hand to help me up but I swipe it away, hastily pushing my body upwards for the second time. I dust off my dress and lead him through the house, following the scent of freshly made lumpia.

We stop for a moment when that same drunk uncle cuts our path and staggers to the door leading to the basement. The door itself is vibrating due to the pulsing loud music downstairs. By music, I mean noise, and by noise, I mean abuse of the karaoke machine.

As soon as my uncle enters through that door, I close it almost immediately so that the eardrums of those upstairs may be spared. I huff, leaning against the door.

Brennan has the audacity to laugh at that by the way.

We make our way through the living room, where my titas and cousins and other ates who aren't even related to me, sit on the couches. As per usual, they gossip in their little circle.

I admit, I genuinely thought that the rumors about Kuya Juan impregnating his former co-worker on his business trip to Manila would be enough to get the chismosas out of my hair. Like, would it really be that interesting to look over at Carmen, when others are supposedly having affairs in another country? C'mon now...

Like with most things, I turn out to be wrong. With one glance, a tita sees me beside a boy, who for obvious reasons, stands out amongst my family. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how rumors start.

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