🍀Bad Luck🍀

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Abigail's point of View:

" your fighting. Again?" My mother spoke, looking down on it. Since we Absols don't like to fight, or how should I put it? Do not have any desire to fight. " yo Miss M, what's up?" Garnett spoke, tipping her signature hat, in respect. Garnett's one of my teammates on Team Hyjinx, yeah purposely spelled wrong from high jinx. Garnett picked it. Saul our team leader and I agreed, since... well... Garnett always gets her way. One way or another.

" we're practicing. Not fighting." I say trying to explain the difference between actually fighting and training. My mother just gave me a stern look. Making me sigh. I looked at Garnett, she knew what it meant. I heard Garnett sigh, disappointed that our fun had to come to an end. " oh alright... I'll take my leave. See ya Abby. Miss M." Seeing her tipped her hat once more, respectfully than departed. Taking her leave.

" Abigail, you know how I feel about-" I cut my mom off saying " I know. I know." Rolling my eyes. She hates that. Very disrespectful ughhh... I wish she would just leave me alone. Honestly. I don't need someone telling me what to do.

Hearing this lecture on repeat. Absols don't fight, absols prevent disasters not cause them. Ugh, if I gotta here this bullshit saying one more time I'm gonna Psycho Cut myself. Everyone in my neighborhood who's part Absol is like, so.. so.. I dunno! Not real?! They're just not real! I mean, ok. Let me try to explain? Where should I start? Ok, I guess the way we talk? Or are suppose to sound like? Or how we're suppose to act?

So all of the PP (Pokémon People) who's part Absol that I've met. Literally talk extremely quietly or soft spoken it's gotten to the point where most of the time I practically just cannot hear them, and when I ask them to repeat it or talk louder they give me an apologetic sad look and blame themselves because either they think it's their fault, which kinda is or they think I just don't listen to them, which is eh sometimes I do and sometimes I don't...

One things for sure, so far all the PP that are part Absol, are extremely polite I guess? I mean, they don't get angry. They talk very respectful towards one another and to everyone. Even the assholes that screw them over. Oh someone just cut in front of you! And you've literally waited in this line for hours! You know what their response is? " it's ok. I hope they get something they like." Like what the fffff... and they're just so- so! I dunno! Passive?! " SOMEONE JUST TOLD YOU TO GO SUCK IT" and you know what their response is? " oh, my apologies. Did I do something wrong to upset you? I'm sorry. Can we please talk about it? Can I buy you lunch?" Can you be so stupidly nice? Or so fucking blind that you don't see just plain disrespect? Ugh it makes me sick seeing that kind of niceness go to waste on the shit assholes in the world.

They like to smile a lot though. Just small smiles, they don't seem fake either. They're just... really... calm? Patient? And... relaxed? I think most if not all of them have achieved inner peace or something. Like they're in nirvana. They don't hold grudges, they don't have regrets, they're just.. just.. so carefree and nice?

I'm not like them though. I dunno why. My mother raised me right, just to be just like them but I... I dunno why I'm different. That I feel different on these things. I guess that's why I'm so.. angry. Sometimes I think that I'll never achieve true inner peace.

" what did I do wrong to make you this way? Where did I go wrong?" My mom spoke, in a confused, sadden and disappointed tone. " you didn't do anything wrong. It's me, this is just who I am." Hearing my mom immediately say " no, this isn't who you are. So stop saying that." Making me shake my head. " you wrong. This is who I am. I love fighting, and I'm sorry that I'm not the person you wanted me to be! But I'm going to join Wigglytuff's guild! Wether you like it or not!" Seeing my mom shake her head in anger but said nothing more. She just went back inside the house. She doesn't like to fight, and doesn't like to fight with words either. So our fight or discussion ended here.

I decided to take a walk to cool myself off. Ugh, I hate feeling this way. PP part Absol's aren't suppose to feel this way. Why am I so different?

" hey! Abigail!" Anna called out, making me stop, seeing her casually walk up to me. " ah, I see your still dressing in very um.. unusual wear for a um.." Anna spoke, but than never continued because she knows I don't wanna hear it. Usually all PP that are part Absol dress in very covered conservative clothing. Not me though. Anna's a PP that's part Absol too, but she's just like all the PP who are part Absol. She's also my next door neighbor. " I heard you got accepted to Wigglytuff's Guild." She spoke making me sigh saying " yeah." In a kind of disappointing tone, it wouldn't be disappointing if my mom was a okay with it you know. " you don't sound very happy. Did I-" I cut her off saying " no you didn't do anything wrong and no you didn't upset me, it's just that... my mom doesn't want me to go and she hates me fighting." Seeing Anna say " well Mary is very wise. And also it's true. We don't.. um. We don't fight. Or um battle." Anna admitted, telling me what I already know. " yeah. I know." Knowing that PP who are part Absol that choose to fight or battle are looked down upon by other PP who are part Absol.

" I think you should join the EWDT (Emergency Warning Disasters Team) or the ERDT (Emergency Rescue Disasters Team) after all you can sense danger just like me and their aren't a lot of PP who are part Absol you know? They could really use your help. After all we are very rare." Anna said, giving me some good advice. " yeah I thought about it, but I... I dunno. Warning PP.. on live T.V... that's a lot of PP relying on you and getting the info correct and rescuing? I.. I just can't." Too traumatized by my first recuse mission that I failed and lost that PP life.

" hey what about you? Why don't you join them?" Knowing Anna is also fit to do that job. " it's too... oh what are the words? Exciting for me? I'd prefer to just hand out free meals to PP in need." Anna spoke, cheerfully. Yeah, I guess she's just too mellow to do that kind of job.

" are you going home?" I asked seeing Anna smile. " yep, I just came back from handing out free meals for PP in need." Making me nod. " yeah..." knowing most Absol's who don't take one of those two jobs Anna described to me are usually working for places that help PP.

I took a really long walk thinking about it all. I really do like fighting... even though I'm not suppose to... I wanna make my mom happy but in turn that'll make me unhappy... still.. PP needs saving and if I join Wigglytuff's Guild than I could be helping a lot of PP just in a different way! I could stop criminals by fighting or taking them down! I can go on adventures finding PP's lost items and valuables that they somehow just lost in some dangerous bullshit area and yeah I could even do rescues too...

Still we have to pass the entrance exam, so I guess that'll determine what'll happen.

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