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Garnett's Point of View:

" oh I absolutely adore jewels! And anything shiny! Shiny! Shiny! They're just so precious! So shiny! And so mine! Mine! Mine!" Ravashing in my jewels and shiny objects. I know that when I was still a part Gabite I had a problem, well every PP who's part Gabite does, but now *sighs* I'm part Garchomp and I'm not suppose to keep hoarding all these precious jewels and shiny things but I can't help it! Ahhh! The Gabite part is still in me!

Ahh! I love Carbinks so much! So! So! Much! I have so many of them too! As pets! As friends! As lovers!-uh! Wait skip that last parts I mean, heh...

I live alone. Well I've always had. I never knew my mother or father. All Garchomp parents leave their kids the moment they're born to fend for themselves, it's just how it is. Some PP think that's unpokemane (inhumane). But it's just our nature I suppose. PP who start off first as Gibbles we mostly roam around eating things, anything we can get our teeth on. When we grow a little older we evolve into Gabites who just like to hoard things! Precious shiny things! Than as Garchomps we just battle and fight ferociously.

I think for the longest time... I wanted kids and to find someone I can cherish and love just like these precious jewels and shiny things!. But I don't wanna abandon them, the PP I found to love or the kids I have even though it's my culture to do so. Although I'm not sure about how to raise them since my mom who left me the moment I was born never raised me. As for my dad he was long gone before my mom even gave birth to me. That's just how our species works.

Ah.. I'm rambling. Sorry, whenever I'm alone away from Saul and Abby I just think. Think about the life I've always wanted. When I was little, I still remember I would get chased around everywhere in all parts of the town or city. Heh.. its because I've always stolen food or destroyed property. When I grew a bit older I began to steal other things, more... valuable. Jewelry, and other things that were shiny and caught my attention, yeah I did get into a lot of fights back than. I got in trouble with the law a lot. It's common though for my kind. They sent me to juvenile prison since I've committed so many crimes and all the lawyers who are against me say " she'll never learn to stop. It's just her kind, they abandon their kids to turn out like this! Clearly they all need to be locked up." So that's why they're trying to get Gibbles and Gabites off the streets and into their Junior Jailing Program, it's actually much better than it sounds since I was in it. At a much older age though. I was the only Garchomp in there compared to all the PP who were part Gibble and Gabite. Kinda embarrassing... but they looked up to me! And that made me really happy.

When I became a Garchomp nobody messed with me. I mean they couldn't. When they tried to take me in they couldn't catch me. Or I just put up too much of a fight that they just couldn't take me down. That is until one day my life got turned around, for the better. When they eventually did catch me, and defeated me with a whole team of highly trained PP who turns out are from Wigglytuff's Guild, they said they saw potential in me not to be a criminal but to be somebody more who could help PP. So they put me in a new thing called the Junior Jailing Program. A school that just taught the essential things. I was over the age limit but they made an exception since the PP team that defeated me specially requested it.

Math ugh, I fucking hate math. Anyway why do I even need to count? When I can just catch food on my own? English which I can speak just fine! Thank you even much, it's the bullshit reading that gets me... also some people complain about my volume of tone I use. Too loud they'll say!

But why do I even need to read if I can just ask PP "what does this say?" But of course their are trickers and scammers in this world that are greedy like Sableye. So I make good friends like Saul and Abby! They always and I mean always help me! They're the best! But sometimes I feel like I'm kinda a burden on them when I ask them to help me on some things... what other PP consider easy things.

I might've skipped a few levels because of my age but they helped me outside of school to try and catch me up. Ugh they're just like my court hearings, if I don't show up they come after me and forcefully take me there.. just like tutoring... they practically have to drag me there because I don't wanna show up, but after all that hard work and determination from their side, look where I turned out! Getting accepted to Wigglytuff's Guild! Hell yeah! Set for life! That is if our team passes the entrance exam. Which I'm confident we will. Hell I can just carry us.

Me and Abby are one of the few PP who have a special evolution called : Mega Evolution. We use Mega stone to access this immense power but... Abby hates it, because when she changes she just looks down on herself for needing to use an ultimate form for fight and finds using it very disdaining. I can't say I like it either... I mean I go crazy. Literally. I just loose myself, I'll attack anyone even my own team mates. I eventually calm down, yeah when someone eventually knocks me out. Anyway I hardly or rarely even need to Mega Evolve since I'm already so strong.

When I arrived back home to my cave after training with Abby I checked my mailbox. I had a weird looking letter. It was in all black. That's strange, usually letters are white from what I learned. When I opened it and well... it took me a while to read it... but when when I finished...

I destroyed my own mailbox out of anger and rage using the move: Dragon Claw. I tore it to shreds. But that's not enough. I use the move: fire fang, biting down hard burning the letter. I screamed in anger and horrible sadness into the forest surrounding me.

I used the move: dragon rage and spat at the near by forest trees catching them on fire and it continued to burn and burn spreading to the other nearby trees. Finally after I exhausted myself out I fall on the ground in anguish. Tears begin to fall, the team who saved me, who gave me this amazing life are now dead. Killed. Killed by an unknown high ranking criminal team. I scream again in anger, banging on the ground. How could they be defeated?! They were so strong! So well tuned with each other! Why?! How?! Who?! All these thoughts circled in my head. I'll avenge them.

I'll kill them.

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